Artist: ‘Enveloped in Joy’ While Watching Shen Yun

The Chinese history and culture portrayed in Shen Yun “gave my heart a fuzzy, warm feeling.”
Artist: ‘Enveloped in Joy’ While Watching Shen Yun
Hyun Chan-young, a Korean artist of traditional Chinese painting (L), came with a fellow artist to enjoy Shen Yun performance in the afternoon on April 6. (Li Zhen/The Epoch Times).
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DAEGU, Korea—An artist said she was “enveloped in joy and relieved of all burden” while watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at Suseong Artpia on the afternoon of April 6.

Hyun chan-young, a Korean artist of traditional Chinese painting, said the Chinese history and culture portrayed in Shen Yun “gave my heart a fuzzy, warm feeling.”

Multiple special attributes of Shen Yun Performing Arts—presenting the splendor of the 5,000 years of Chinese culture through exquisite dancing, elegant costumes, touching stories, and digitally animated backdrops—all work in accord to bring a surreal paradise back to life in front of the audience. Ms. Hyun was stunned.

“Before I came, I had originally thought that there would only be dancing—I didn’t expect that stories would be told through dancing,” she said. “And these wonderful stories were very pleasant surprises. I am very happy to be able to come to such a performance. You could tell that much hard work was put into every movement of the dancers. You can see the sincere and true compassion of every dancer throughout the programs.”

New York-based Shen Yun tours to more than 100 cities each year presenting the ancient culture through music and dance.

Ms. Hyun said that as a painter, she paid close attention to the colors and lighting, as well as the interaction between the digital backdrops and the stage.

“Imaging technology is quite advanced in South Korea. However, the dynamic backdrop was much more interesting,” she said. The performance was “great entertainment.”

“I believe all children would love this performance as well,” she said.

Ms. Hyun said seeing Shen Yun fulfilled a longing she had had since first hearing about the company several years ago. Attending the performance made her feel good.

“The performance itself gave me a pleasant feeling,” she said, “and, at the same time, all of my burdens were cast away.”

Reporting by Li Zhen and Frank Fang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit