World Falun Dafa Day Celebrated in Dublin

Falun Gong practitioners celebrated World Falun Dafa Day in Dublin, Ireland on May 10, 2014.
World Falun Dafa Day Celebrated in Dublin
Young girls perform traditional Chinese dance, on May 10, 2014 in Dublin. Epoch Times

DUBLIN, Ireland—World Falun Dafa Day was celebrated in Dublin’s O'Connell Street on Saturday, May 10.

Crowds gathered outside Dublin GPO (General Post Office) to watch as Falun Gong practitioners in played traditional Chinese drums, danced, and brought Ireland’s capital alive with their World Falun Dafa Day celebrations. They also informed the public about the meditation practice and the health benefits many practitioners have experienced since taking up the meditation practice. Falun Dafa is practiced in over 110 countries around the world.

During the event many members of the public inquired about Falun Gong and were shocked to hear about the persecution in China. These people were happy to sign petitions demanding the Chinese authorities stop live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

See full coverage of World Falun Dafa Day 2014.