What is the Leptin Diet?

What is the Leptin Diet?

The Leptin Diet was developed by Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist Byron J. Richards. The diet is designed to maintain optimal levels of the hormone leptin. This hormone is responsible for regulating hunger as well as the state of feeling full or satisfied. It is secreted by adipose (fat) tissue. More recently John Barban developed the Venus Factor diet which shares he’s experiences and gives a layman’s guide while still following the foundation of the Leptin Diet is based on 5 fundamental rules:

1. Never eat after dinner. Dinner should be completed at least three hours prior to bedtime. Allow eleven to twelve hours to pass between eating dinner and breakfast.

2. Eat three meals daily. Meals should be spaced apart 5 to 6 hours. Avoid snacking. Snacking confuses the metabolism of your body and results in eating more than the body requires to function efficiently. Thirst and hunger signals can become confused. Drinking 8 to 16 ounces of water may help curb urges for snacking. Keeping busy with activities may also be helpful to avoid the unhealthy habit of snacking between meals.

3. Eat well-proportioned meals. Avoiding large portioned meals is one of the “golden rules” of this diet. It takes about 10 to 20 minutes for the body to register that it is full and satisfied. Finishing a meal when slightly less than full allows time for this signal to be sent and acknowledged. It is also important to eat slowly.

4. Consume a protein-rich breakfast daily. The goal of consuming 25 grams or more of protein at breakfast is designed to increase the body’s metabolism. Metabolism can increase by 30 percent for up to 12 hours from a high-protein meal according to WebMD. Eggs and cottage cheese are examples of high-protein breakfast foods. These items paired with a serving of a complex carbohydrate or fruit are excellent breakfast choices.

5. Reduce intake of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Rose Johnson, Registered Nurse from the McKinley Health Center at the University of Illinois reports, “Carbohydrates are required for a healthy central nervous system, kidneys, brain and muscles.” The Leptin Diet doesn’t advise cutting out carbs completely but does promote reducing the amount consumed.

The Leptin Diet addresses the quality of food eaten by individuals but also the time at which food is consumed. The timing guidelines are designed to work with the natural rhythm of the hormone leptin. The principles behind this diet work to optimize the benefits of leptin for weight loss and general good health.

Read more Epochtime blog posts from Chris Wimmer include his recent post about winter workouts.

Chris blogs at HealthSmartLiving.com about cooking, juicing, and hydroponic gardening. He's new at Facebook and isn't very good at it so stop by and provide some encouragement!
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