Videos of the Day: Migrants Climb US-Mexico Border Wall

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Several hundred members of the lead migrant caravan have reached Tijuana, Mexico, and some scaled the fence on Nov. 13, crossing illegally into the United States before running back, according to Ralph DeSio, spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

DeSio said the individuals ran back “without needing any intervention” from Border Patrol agents.

The incident occurred at the Mexican park adjacent to Border Field State Park on the U.S. side of the border, which is a popular site for gatherings and protests, DeSio said.

CBP has deployed additional resources to ensure the continued security of the border, and safety for everyone in the area,” he said. “Agents remain alert.”

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Defense Secretary Mattis Visits Troops at Border

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen visited troops at the United States-Mexico border on Nov. 14, near the Texas town of Donna.

Mattis was briefed by a top military officer on how troops are supporting the Customs and Border Protection (CBP). “The purpose is to give CBP personnel tactical mobility,” the officer told Mattis.

Mattis said that he does not expect the troops, of which currently 5,900 are deployed across California, Arizona, and Texas, to have direct contact with migrants.

He said that an additional 1,100 troops could be deployed.

President Donald Trump and Mattis ordered the troops to the border as multiple migrant caravans approached the border.
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New Fire Sparks in Southern California

A new California fire erupted overnight and burned more than 140 acres by the morning of Nov. 14. Authorities are calling the new fire the Sierra Fire.

The fire spread quickly, fanned by Santa Ana winds and feeding on heavy vegetation.

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Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade Floats Make Debut

Thanksgiving is just over a week away.

Macy’s is gearing up for its annual Thanksgiving Day parade.

This year, the parade will feature five new floats. They made their debut on Nov. 13, with children getting the first look.

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Pink Legacy Diamond Sold for Record $50 Million

The largest and finest pink diamond to have ever graced a Christie’s auction has just sold for $50 million, a record price per carat.

The rare jewel’s new owner Harry Winston promptly renamed the diamond from its former name “Pink Legacy” to its new moniker “The Winston Pink Legacy,” according to a Christie’s news release.
The price of around $2.6 million per carat marked a world record for a pink diamond, according to the European head of the auction house Christie’s, BBC reported.
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