Video: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Guard Doesn’t Take Any Guff

Epoch Newsroom

A viral video shows what will happen if you’re talking loud or laughing during a memorial at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

As the group starts to laugh, the soldier turns around and says this:

“It is requested that everyone maintains a level of silence and respect.”

He then doesn’t move for a few seconds and continues his march.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, located at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, is dedicated to soldiers who have died without their remains being identified. It’s also known as the Tomb of the Unknowns.

The Tomb is guarded by soldiers of the Army, and they were troopers from the 3rd Cavalry posted on nearby Fort Meyer.

The soldier walking on the mat (as seen in the video) doesn’t wear rank insignia to show he doesn’t outrank the Unknowns.