Vancouver Mayor Seeks ‘Definitive No’ on Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline Expansion

Vancouver Mayor Seeks ‘Definitive No’ on Trans Mountain Oil Pipeline Expansion
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson shake hands after a news conference in Vancouver on Dec. 17, 2015. Robertson wants Ottawa to nix the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion. (The Canadian Press/Darryl Dyck)
The Canadian Press

OTTAWA—Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson and three local First Nation representatives are urging the federal Liberals to pronounce a “definitive no” to the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Robertson is considered a political ally of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau but he used a visit to the capital on June 7 to say he’s very concerned by what he calls a disastrous environmental review process for Kinder Morgan’s proposed project.

Alberta had Ottawa’s ear under the federal Conservatives, said Robertson, and it is time for the new government to appreciate other regional concerns—including the potential economic disruption from a major oil spill.

“Alberta does a great job of communicating their economic interests,” said Robertson. “They’ve had massive influence in Ottawa over the past decade and it’s important that the rest of the country, our concerns and our successes, are communicated.”

The $6.8-billion expansion of the existing pipeline would almost triple the amount of diluted bitumen from Alberta being pumped to an export terminal in Burrard Inlet, and would result in a seven-fold increase in tanker ships.

The National Energy Board has conditionally approved the pipeline, and the Liberal government has promised a final decision by mid-December.

Chief Ian Campbell of Squamish First Nation says the Trudeau government has changed the rhetoric around reconciliation and nation-to-nation negotiations with Aboriginal Peoples, but now it’s time to show some tangible results.

Campbell said there’s “vehement opposition” to the new Trans Mountain pipeline, a message Robertson believes Ottawa needs to hear “loud and clear.”

“For me, it’s crucial that the prime minister and his team listen to what the people on the West Coast are saying and respect the fact there is no consent there,” he said.

Liberal candidates won 15 of 16 seats in B.C.’s lower mainland last October when the Trans Mountain pipeline hearings made it a live issue in the federal election campaign.

“They were very vocal in opposition of the Kinder Morgan pipeline proposal during the last campaign,” Robertson said of the Liberals. “That certainly resonated and helped them get elected.”

Robertson’s loud anti-pipeline advocacy has raised the ire of Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi, who responded with a broadside in The Globe and Mail on June 7.

Conservative energy critic Ed Fast said all Canada’s provinces require global market access.

“Those provinces rightly expect that we will work together as a federation to get our resources to markets where they pay the highest prices,” said Fast. “We work together as a Canadian family and somehow Mr. Robertson doesn’t get that.”

While the National Energy Board approved the Kinder Morgan expansion last month with 157 conditions, the Liberals have implemented two additional review processes for major resource projects on an interim basis until a more complete overhaul of the environmental assessment system is completed.

The federal environment department is currently reviewing upstream greenhouse gas emissions from the Trans Mountain expansion while a three-member federal panel is doing additional community consultations.

Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr said the government is hearing a variety of competing points of view on pipelines. The NEB review, the government consultations, and the upstream emissions will all be part of the mix when cabinet makes a decision later this year, he said.

From The Canadian Press