Trump Supporters Rally in Atlanta Demanding Fair Election


Trump supporters were packed shoulder to shoulder at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Atlanta, Georgia, on Saturday.

The rally began outside the CNN headquarters, where protestors say the media company has unfairly covered the election and the Trump campaign’s lawsuits in battleground states. People then began heading to the governor’s mansion, protesting the certification of the election results in Georgia and alleged voter fraud.

“The recount numbers were not matching the numbers from Election Night. The Secretary of the State gave instructions ‘unless numbers were found, don’t worry if numbers don’t match, just submit the same numbers again,’” Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, told NTD.

Candy Hansard, who traveled from Florida to attend the rally, said, “If we don’t stand up for our country right this minute, we could lose our country.”

NTD spoke with an attorney working with Lawyers for Trump in Wayne County, who said what happened there was not transparent.

Attorney Kellye Sorelle, from Texas, told NTD: “The Democrats locked us out of the process. There was no security, they said they were closing down, they continued going. There crew still in there. But they were kept far away from the tables, nobody was able to look at anything,” she alleged. “But another thing I need to point out if we do the recount, it’s irrelevant, because the system is geared to protect their data, protect their fraudulent elections. That’s our biggest concerns. The only way you are going to do this is you actually go in and get the machines audited, and see what happens with the elections.”

The protestors said they will continue to rally until the state re-certifies the election or does an audit.