Trump Speaks at Michigan Rally

NTD Television

Trump is making use of his last few chances to campaign before next week’s election. He made his first stop for the day in Lansing, Michigan to give remarks.

Trump spoke for around one-hour in the rain without an umbrella, calling Michiganders tough, and saying he was trying to keep up with them. Despite the cold and rain, attendees maintained their enthusiasm.

The President said he would be putting “America first.” He largely focused his speech contrasting his policies with rival Joe Biden’s, and how they would impact the Michigan community.

Trump spoke of Biden’s support of China and the NAFTA trade deal, which he said caused one-third of Michigan’s automotive jobs to leave the state, and move to Mexico and Canada.

Trump encouraged people to vote, and said that four more years of his administration would help Michigan and America “win.”

Following the Michigan rally, Trump’s next stops include Wisconsin and Nebraska, where he'll hold two more rallies.