Trump Presidency Listed With Chinese Economy and Jihadi Terrorism as a Global Economic Threat

Trump Presidency Listed With Chinese Economy and Jihadi Terrorism as a Global Economic Threat
(Ty Wright/Getty Images)

His militaristic tendencies towards the Middle East and ban on all Muslim travel to the US would be a potent recruitment tool for jihadi groups.
EIU Report

The report notes that Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric towards the Middle East would raise the risk of jihadi terrorism, reports The Guardian.

“His militaristic tendencies towards the Middle East and ban on all Muslim travel to the US would be a potent recruitment tool for jihadi groups,” the EIU said.

The EIU report suggests that the Republican frontrunner’s position towards free trade with Mexico and China would have long lasting global effects:

“In the event of a Trump victory, his hostile attitude to free trade, and alienation of Mexico and China in particular, could escalate rapidly into a trade war – and at the least scupper the Trans-Pacific Partnership between the US and 11 other American and Asian states signed in February 2016.”

 There are risks to this forecast, especially in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil or a sudden economic downturn.

It continues, predicting that Hillary Clinton would beat Trump, but that could change given a national crisis:

“Although we do not expect Mr Trump to defeat his most likely Democratic contender, Hillary Clinton, there are risks to this forecast, especially in the event of a terrorist attack on US soil or a sudden economic downturn,” it said.

The Economist Intelligence Unit is a British research firm assessing economic risk and stability on a global scale. Compiling the list, the firm accounted for both the impact and probability.