President Donald Trump launched a salvo at former Vice President Joe Biden on July 6, calling the Democratic presidential contender “a reclamation project.”
Trump said that “some things are not salvageable,” adding he believes that rival countries want Biden to become president.
“China and other countries that ripped us off for years are begging for him. He deserted our military, our law enforcement, and our healthcare. Added more debt than all other Presidents combined. Won’t win!” Trump added in a post on Twitter.
Trump has zeroed in on Biden among the crowded field of contenders vying to win the nomination to oppose him, repeatedly criticizing Biden, 77, about his age, the actions of the Obama administration, and Biden’s shifting policy proposals.
Trump on July 4 shared a story by the right-leaning Washington Examiner about a new poll showing Biden’s support in Iowa has dropped 20 points since September 2018.
A day later, he told reporters in Washington that the Obama administration was taken advantage of by China.
He also repeated a claim he’s made a number of times, saying he believes a war with North Korea was imminent before he became president.
“Now, the relationship is a good relationship, we'll see what happens,” he said.

Trump has also called Biden “Sleepy Joe” and “mentally weak” in recent months, while noting the former senator’s two failed presidential runs.
Trump’s fresh attack against Biden over the Obama administration’s actions came after a Republican strategist claimed that Trump was going to pivot to attacking Biden’s record as senator.
A Trump campaign official added that the focus on Biden has come from Trump’s lead.
“The opposition research is focused on Biden. And we hope we get Biden, because when it comes to who’s got a better record, Trump has a significantly better record than Biden,” the official said, on condition of anonymity.

Biden Hits Trump
Biden has repeatedly criticized Trump since announcing he was running for president, telling CNN in an interview July 5 that the president is a bully.“You walk behind me in a debate, come here, man. You know me too well. The idea that I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump?” Biden told the openly anti-Trump outlet.
“He’s the bully that I knew my whole life. He’s the bully that I’ve always stood up to. He’s the bully [who] used to make fun [of me] when I was a kid and I stutter and I’d smack him in the mouth.”
Biden hadn’t responded to Trump’s latest comments as of press time.
But he criticized Trump on Independence Day, writing before the “Salute to America” event that he thought the event was “designed more to stroke his ego than celebrate American ideals.”
“Will he offer a robust defense of the democratic values that have always been our strength in times of crisis? We all know the answer to that. Donald Trump is incapable of celebrating what makes America great because he doesn’t get it,” Biden wrote. “Every year on the #FourthOfJuly, presidents, elected leaders, and everyday Americans come together at parades, BBQs, and baseball games to celebrate humankind’s highest ideal—liberty. That’s what we’re celebrating today in Iowa.”