Trending During the Weekend: World Cup Dominates Google’s ‘Hot Searches’

If you visit google trends and hit ’trending now', you can observe the hottest searches of the weekend in the United States. Needless to say, the list was dominated by the ongoing 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Trending During the Weekend: World Cup Dominates Google’s ‘Hot Searches’

If you visit google trends and hit ’trending now', you can observe the hottest searches of the weekend in the United States.

Needless to say, the list was dominated by the ongoing 2014 FIFA World Cup.

On Saturday the World Cup took the #1, #3, and #6 spots out of seven, with the searches “Christiano Ronaldo”, “Germany vs Ghana”, and “Bosnia”, respectively.

The search ‘Christiano Ronaldo’ was likely in anticipation of the U.S.’s match on Sunday with the Portugal star, whose health had been in question.

Germany vs Ghana was a match of particular significance for the U.S. considering that they are group rivals, and Nigeria’s defeat of Bosnia sent Bosnia home while simultaneously giving the Nigerians their first World Cup victory in 16 years.

On Sunday’s list of 14 hot searches, the World Cup again took the lists’  #2, #5, #7, #10, and #12 spots, with the searches “Algeria”, “Belgium Vs Russia”, “Tim Howard”, “Michael Bradley”, and “Landon Donovan”.

Algeria, Belgium, and Russia were all countries that took the stage Sunday, with Algeria defeating Korea 4-2 and Belgium scoring a late goal to defeat Russia 1-0.

Tim Howard, Michael Bradley, and Landon Donovan are all names of importance for USA Soccer. In particular, Howard’s performance of several spectacular saves was a key highlight in the U.S’s 2-2 draw with Portugal.

The U.S’s love for the sport of soccer has often been called into question, but it seems we are getting clues from various media that Uncle Sam may finally be warming to the sport.