Tiny Dog Is About to Be Carried Off by a Coyote, Then Neighbor’s Rottweiler Springs Into Action

Tiny Dog Is About to Be Carried Off by a Coyote, Then Neighbor’s Rottweiler Springs Into Action
Epoch Newsroom

The coyote thought he had an easy kill---a tiny dog.

But he didn’t know about the dog’s much larger Rottweiler friend.

A security camera caught the action, with the coyote starting to kill the pup with its jaws only to find itself becoming prey when the Rottweiler comes out of nowhere.

The man who posted the video owns the little dog, a chi-weenie named Trixxie. The mid-sized Rottweiler Happy belongs to his neighbor.

He also noted that Trixxie was on a chain, which also helped save the canine from being carried off. And he said coyote sightings in his area are practically unheard of, and that Trixxie was left outside only for a few minutes while his wife used the bathroom.