Romney Received Zero Votes in 59 Philadelphia Districts

Republican challenger Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes in 59 districts in Philadelphia, reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Romney Received Zero Votes in 59 Philadelphia Districts

Republican challenger Mitt Romney got exactly zero votes in 59 districts in Philadelphia, reported the Philadelphia Inquirer.

There are some 19,605 voters in those districts. Unofficial vote counts concluded that President Barack Obama won all of them.

Larry Sabato, political scientist with the University of Virginia, told the Inquirer that in the 2008 election, several districts in Chicago and Atlanta had zero votes for Republican Sen. John McCain.

It’s “worth looking into” to see if there was any voter fraud, Sabato said.

In addition to those precincts in Philadelphia, exactly zero people voted for Romney in nine districts in Cleveland, reported the Cleveland Plain Dealer. The largest of those precincts voted 542 to 0.

Pennsylvania House of Representatives Republican spokesman Steve Miskin, after hearing of Philadelphia’s numbers, said that the state’s voter ID law, which did not go into effect for last Tuesday’s election, would ensure “the integrity of the ballot,” according to the Inquirer.

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