Producer: Shen Yun ‘Best show I’ve ever seen’

As a producer, Mr. Spalla, called the Shen Yun production “perfection. Absolutely perfect. Beautiful.”
Producer: Shen Yun ‘Best show I’ve ever seen’
In attendance at the Shen Yun Jan. 13 performance, in Los Angeles, was Mike Spalla. (Courtesy of NTD Television)
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LOS ANGELES—Shen Yun Performing Arts graced the stage of the elegant Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Jan. 13, where theatergoers filled the hall in anticipation of the first show of the weekend.

New York-based Shen Yun, whose mission is to revive and preserve China’s majestic 5,000-year-old heritage, conveys this rich culture in classic Chinese dance, music and mythology.

In attendance at the sold out performance was Mike Spalla, producer of Jingle Cats, a series of Christmas novelty recordings.

“It’s a fantastic show,” Mr. Spalla said enthusiastically about Shen Yun. “I recommend that everyone see it. It’s the best show I’ve ever seen.

“The dancers are really amazing, and the music is something to hear, the orchestra is fantastic,” he added.

Shen Yun’s unique orchestra, performing all-original compositions, blends East and West using distinctly Chinese instruments like the erhu and the pipa along side Western strings, percussion, woodwinds, and brass. The result is two great classical music traditions producing a unique, unexpected sound.

As a producer, Mr. Spalla, called the Shen Yun production “perfection. Absolutely perfect. Beautiful.”

He enjoyed the traditional Chinese culture displayed through the story-based dance and various ethnic and folk dances. He said, “It’s very interesting. I learned a lot of things at the show and I’m really enjoying it.”

“I learned Shen Yun means divine dancing, basically. It’s very wonderful to see.

“I love the way they work the background in, with the dancers jumping onto the stage, becoming part of the background,” he said of the hi-tech images projected behind the dancers creating portals to heavenly paradises where divine beings crossover into the human realm. “It was really beautiful. I love it.”

“I’m very happy to be here. It’s great.” he said.

Reporting by NTD Television and Masha Savitz

New York-based Shen Yun has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, The Music Center, Los Angeles, through Jan. 14.

For more information visit



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