President Obama Slow Jams The News With Jimmy Fallon


Jimmy Fallon welcomed President Obama to his eponymous late night talk show on June 9, where the pair—along with in-house band, The Roots—melodically recapped Obama’s eight-year tenure as president.

“It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president over the past eight years,” the 54-year-old Commander-in-Chief stated as he then explained his accomplishments, including stimulating economic growth.

“Aw yeah ... President Obama stimulated long-term growth in the public and private sector,” sang Fallon in a low baritone. “In 2008 the country wasn’t feeling in the mood—it was too tired, stressed, said it had a headache. Obama ... told the American people, ‘Yes, we can.’”

“He’s created lots of jobs for you and me, and he’s got one more left for Hillary,” Black Thought of The Roots sang.

President Obama then continued to list his policy accomplishments—affordable healthcare and developing clean energy.

“You’ve got to listen to my man Bareezus, he’s accomplished a lot in eight years. Even when Congress tried to block him, he found a way in through the back door,” Fallon said.

“When the Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade that Beyonce started calling him ‘Baracky with the good hair,” Fallon joked, in reference to Beyonce’s lyric, “Becky with the good hair.”

Black Thought chimed in:

“His first two terms ended in such a hurry,” he sang. “Wish he could go for three like my man Steph Curry.”

President Obama has other ideas.

“I can’t stay forever. And besides Daddy has a Hawaiian vacation booked in about...”—he looks at his watch—“223 days ... but who’s counting?” Obama replied. 

The musical number concluded with Obama assuring that the American people that the “best days are still yet to come,” and Fallon thanking Obama for his contributions.

“This country’s on track and that is a fact,” sang Black Thought. “Once you go Barack, you will never go back. Thank you for leading the red white and the blue.” 

Watch the clip above.