Overseas Chinese Media May Play a Unique Role in a New World Order

Overseas Chinese Media May Play a Unique Role in a New World Order

The Third Session of Advanced Study of Overseas Chinese Language Media was held on Nov. 26 in Beijing. The Culture, Education, and Propaganda Department of Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, China News Services, and the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China sponsored the event. [1]

At the opening ceremony on Nov. 26, Zhao Yang, the Assistant Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council said that overseas Chinese media have done a wonderful job promoting and reporting to the world about the great achievement of China’s modernization work. Mr. Zhao also said that at present, 80 percent of world news comes only from several big western news agencies; 70 percent of Internet information is in English. Western media subtly influence other countries’ values and views by borrowing the potential of the globalizing economy. The global language privilege should not be monopolized by western countries. Mr. Zhao stressed that, with the increasing interest in Chinese culture from westerners, overseas Chinese media may play a unique role in establishing a new order of the world consensus.

Notes: [1] China News Services, November 26, 2007 http://www.chinanews.com.cn/hr/zgqj/news/2007/11-26/1087480.shtml