Mother Dog Captured Doing Everything She Can to Protect Babies Just Days After Giving Birth

Epoch Video
Every species of animal is equipped with their own unique maternal instinct, that ensures they nurture and protect their offspring through to adulthood. For centuries scientists have tried to understand how an animal’s innate nature to protect, and naturally knows how to take care of their offspring. If we were to get scientific here, and by scientific, I mean high school level biology, we’d say that “parenthood to the animal kingdom is an instinctive behavior that automatically switches on when exposed to the proper stimulus.”

This inspiring video shows a mother dog in a fairly compromising position, as torrential rain forces her to seek out a much dryer and warmer environment for her pups whom are only just a few days old. We watch as her natural maternal instinct kicks in, as she carries each pup one by one across the backyard into a dry area at the back of the property.

Her gentle nature with her babies is clear to see as we watch her caringly and carefully carry them to safety under such awful conditions. With each pup she brings to this clearer and dryer area we see her take the time to remove the excess rain from their coats and comfort the ones patiently waiting for her to return.

Although the actions of this new mom is so beautiful to watch, there is a slight elephant in the room which you might or might not have noticed. Now this surrounds the individual or individuals that are actually shooting this video especially if they are the owner of this dog.

Since the mother dog gave birth within the last few days, and she has what looks like at least five pups, shouldn’t they be provided the appropriate shelter? Even if it’s not within your own home per say, but something like a dog house? Or even a blanket?

Just a thought, because in moments like these as beautiful as they are the heartstrings of the viewers and the readers are pulled when reflecting upon situations such as these. It is quite difficult to watch that poor dog struggling to get her babies to safety, which turns out to be just a cold concrete piece of paving.

The mother dog in this video is an example of all mothers and fathers that would go to the ends of the earth to protect their children. It’s seen in a tear-jerking moment when the mother finally gets all her pups into the dry area by the house, we see her gently gathering them all tightly together as she snuggles in closely to keep them warm.

Video Credit: ViralHog