Miley Cyrus Maserati Was Allegedly Stolen By This Young Couple

Miley Cyrus Maserati Was Allegedly Stolen By This Young Couple
19-year-old Tyler Scott and 21-year-old Naomi Charles were arrested for allegedly having broken into Miley Cyrus' home and stolen her $100k Maserati Quattroporte. Screenshot AOL

The couple that broke into Miley Cyrus home and stole her $100,000 Maserati Quattroporte and some jewelry is a modern version of Bonnie and Clyde, says They seem to be a quite typical Californian couple - both working out vegetarians who reportedly worked as models before. Both posted pictures of themselves in Beachwear on Instagram, prompting the Internet-community to comment on how ‘hot’ the young mischievous couple looks.

19-year-old Tyler Scott and 21-year-old Naomi Charles are shown kissing on their Instagram. It is suspected that Tyler was the instigator of the Miley-theft. He already faces charges of car-burglary in another state.

Both were arrested last Thursday on charges of breaking into Miley´s home.

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Two thieves had two weeks ago hopped the fence of the 21-year-old singer’s Los Angeles residence and made off with her 2014 Maserati Quattroporte and some jewelry. The price for the basic model of the sports car starts a $100k.

Los Angeles police Lt. Andy Neiman says Cyrus’ 2014 Maserati was found Monday afternoon in Simi Valley, a city about 45 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles.

Police have said a man and a woman scaled a fence and got inside the house and garage while no one was home Friday. The car and an unknown amount of jewelry were stolen from the home.