NY Q&A: If you were in charge of the city’s budget, what would be your top priority? Why?

With the release of the city’s budget plan, many areas are going to be experiencing funding cuts, including public libraries, child care, health care, and more.
NY Q&A: If you were in charge of the city’s budget, what would be your top priority? Why?
Josh Kandell (Benjamin Chasteen/The Epoch Times)

With the release of the city’s budget plan, many areas are going to be experiencing funding cuts, including public libraries, child care, health care, and more. The uniformed forces, debt services, and some education will be receiving an increase in funding. The Epoch Times asks New Yorkers “If you were in charge of the city’s budget, what would be your top priority? Why?”



<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/20120613_Lcoal+QA+George+Paragon_Chasteen_IMG_6445.jpg"><img class="size-medium wp-image-253984" title="20120613_Local+QA+George+Paragon_Chasteen_IMG_6445" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/20120613_Lcoal+QA+George+Paragon_Chasteen_IMG_6445.jpg" alt="George Paragon (Benjamin Chasteen/The Epoch Times)" width="350" height="262"/></a>
George Paragon (Benjamin Chasteen/The Epoch Times)

George Paragon, counselor, Brooklyn

Homelessness and mental health, because I am a counselor so I work with people who have alcohol and substance abuse problems and homelessness. There is a lot of recidivism in addiction in conjunction with homelessness—it runs hand in hand. So I think the mayor could do a lot more than what he is doing when it comes to addiction and mental health.




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Josh Kandell, graduate student, Brooklyn
Teachers, because there are so many other things out there to cut. When the only thing you are doing is cutting from the budget, why would you condemn teachers to be fired. Our public schools aren’t getting any better so why would you fire teachers. I would put all the money in the budget toward hiring better teachers and proving the schools to not closing them. It seems it would be a pretty smart ... although banning soda may not be that bad either.



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Edwin Jorge, retired media worker, Manhattan

So many topics involved. I think the schools. New York spends a lot of money, something like $8,000 per student, I remember that number from years ago, not sure if it is the same now, but it just doesn’t seem to be doing anything. I think a lot of kids are graduating where they are not fully prepared to go into university or even for jobs. Somewhere down the line, I think that the obstacle to this is also the unions; I think they are more interested in protecting their organizations and their teachers than they are in providing really good benefits for the kids. I think Bloomberg should be giving more leeway as to what goes just like they do in private industry. Shape it up, the failure rate is unacceptable.


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Gustavo Rodriguez, chef, Queens

Transportation is very important, like the subways because they are used a lot everyday and sometimes they can take a long time to arrive. Also the buses—I would improve them as well. And helping the homeless people who are on the streets, help find more homes for them; it keeps the streets cleaner.




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