Jay Carney to Be White House Press Secretary

Jay Carney will be appointed as the new White House press secretary.
Jay Carney to Be White House Press Secretary

Jay Carney, who has been the Communications Director for Vice President Joe Biden since December, 2008, will be appointed as the new White House press secretary. Carney served as the Washington Bureau deputy chief for TIME Magazine from 2003 to 2008.

A Yale graduate, Carney had worked at TIME since 1988. He once served Moscow Bureau for three years and reported on the collapse of the Soviet Union. After returning to the United States, Carney was appointed White House correspondent for TIME and reported on major events during the Bush and Clinton presidencies, according to Carney’s profile on TIME.

Current Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is expected to leave in mid-February.

“I believe these decisions will bring greater clarity to our structure and roles and will enhance coordination and collaboration among us,” said Chief of Staff Bill Daley in a statement to White House employees, according to USA Today.

“I am excited about these changes, and I look forward to working with all of you—those in existing roles as well as those filling new roles—in the weeks and months ahead,” Daley added. “We have a great team.”