It’s Not All Bad: 3 Uplifting News Stories

It’s Not All Bad: 3 Uplifting News Stories

Flip on the television, go online, or turn on the radio and it seems like the world has become a hopeless place where evil always trumps good. But every now and then, you'll hear a story that reaffirms your faith in humanity, softens your heart, and brings a smile to your face.

While they’re very different from each other, the following three news stories are all proof that good things still happen.

Town Surprises Deaf Neighbor

Although it was part of a Samsung ad campaign, there’s no way to cheapen or discount this story about a deaf man living in a small neighborhood in Istanbul, Turkey. His name is Muharrem and he finds it difficult to interact with people on a daily basis because of his inability to hear.

Other than his sister and other close family members, nobody he communicates with on a daily basis understands sign language. Samsung heard about Muharrem and figured it would be a great opportunity to change a life while introducing its new video call center.

Company reps spent weeks working with locals to teach members of the community various signs and then planned a day when everyone Muharrem met would speak to him in sign language. The highlight of the video is when he breaks down and cries, thankful for the effort and outpouring of love.

While it may have been a small gesture for those involved, it had to be one of the happiest days of this man’s life.

Middle-School Basketball Team Supports Bullied Cheerleader

This story happened at Lincoln Middle School in Kenosha, Wisconsin, where members of the basketball team noticed certain people in the stands were teasing Desiree Andrews—a cheerleader with Down syndrome—during one of their games.

Instead of ignoring the matter, they came to the rescue and defended her. Even better than that isolated event is the fact that those players developed a long-lasting relationship with Andrews: walking her to class, hanging out with her, and protecting her from other bullies.

Scooter Terrien, one of the boys who came to her defense, said it best in an interview: “It’s not fair when other people get treated wrong, because we’re all the same. We’re all created the same. God made us the same way.”

Father and Son Share a Moment

Every March, millions of people across the U.S. watch the annual NCAA basketball tournament unfold. Sometimes, real-life events occur that you couldn’t write as a dramatic script.

Take, for example, Georgia State’s incredible first-round upset of highly favored Baylor. The 35-foot, three-point, go-ahead shot with 2.7 seconds left was enough to make an incredible story, but the people involved make it even more so.

R.J. Hunter, the player who delivered the greatest victory in school history, is also the son of head coach Ron Hunter. And though he had underperformed the entire game, his dad still trusted him with the final shot.

All of this unfolded with Ron Hunter hobbled on the sideline with a torn Achilles, which he suffered after celebrating their conference championship a few days earlier. When the ball went through the net, Ron Hunter fell off his stool, kicked his legs, and let out a scream.

After the game, he had trouble expressing the magnitude of the moment, simply saying, “It’s unbelievable. I wish every dad in America could have that opportunity, what I just experienced with my son.”

Searching for the Good in Humanity

While the world is still a dark place at times, it’s nice to know that good still exists, exciting events continue to occur, and there’s hope for humanity. These three stories are just a sample of what’s right in the world.

Tommy was a former college swimmer at the University of North Carolina. During this time, Tommy had a lot of time staring at the bottom of the pool and coming up with some great and not so great ideas. Email Tommy at [email protected]