iPad 2 Launch Invites Sent Out by Apple

iPad 2 launch invites have been sent out, media reports on Wednesday say. The iPad 2 launch will be held on March 2.
iPad 2 Launch Invites Sent Out by Apple
Apple sent out invitations to its unveiling of the iPad 2 event on March 2 in San Francisco, The Loop revealed on Wednesday.

The Apple site received an invitation to the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, a place that Apple commonly uses to hold events.

Numerous media reports on Tuesday said that Apple was going to unveil its next-gen tablet computer next month.

According to Forbes, which also received an invite, Apple’s invitation says “come see what 2011 will be the year of.”

The iPad 2, or whatever it will be called, will likely be lighter and thinner than its previous incarnation. Reports also say that it will feature a front-facing camera and a higher-resolution screen.

There have been no reports as to whether CEO Steve Jobs will be attending the event. He was last spotted at a dinner meeting in Silicon Valley with President Barack Obama, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and other technology luminaries.