I Discovered a Newspaper Copy in My Mailbox

I Discovered a Newspaper Copy in My Mailbox
The Reader's Turn

To All at the Epoch Times:

For years, I was searching for an ethical, informative. interesting and multi-faceted news source. I had given up on it, believing all news sources had ultimately become corrupt, unethical, myopic, and dull. In mid-2020, I discovered a newspaper copy in my mailbox. It was the Epoch Times.

I had never heard of it, was curious, and being a “news junky” I decided to look through it. I was so enthralled with the articles and versatility of information, I couldn’t put it down. I ordered my own Epoch Times, promptly.

From breaking news to wonderful recipes, social and health articles, and everything in-between. I love my Epoch Times. More importantly, I trust it and find the journalists to be brilliant and interesting writers.

I wish I knew who sent me my first, introductory copy. I am grateful and I now pass on the favor to others...sharing Email articles and special articles from the paper itself.

The Reader's Turn
The Reader's Turn
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