Hubble Space Telescope Logs One Millionth Observation (Video)

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captured its one-millionth science observation on July 4 while searching for water in the atmosphere of an exoplanet 1,000 light-years away from Earth.
Hubble Space Telescope Logs One Millionth Observation (Video)

<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1801347" title="Artist's concept of that planet, HAT-P-7b, a 'hot Jupiter' class planet orbiting a star much hotter than our sun. (NASA, ESA, G. Bacon/STScI)" src="" alt="Artist's concept of that planet, HAT-P-7b, a 'hot Jupiter' class planet orbiting a star much hotter than our sun. (NASA, ESA, G. Bacon/STScI)" width="575"/></a>
Artist's concept of that planet, HAT-P-7b, a 'hot Jupiter' class planet orbiting a star much hotter than our sun. (NASA, ESA, G. Bacon/STScI)
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