How to Create Online Content That Comes Out On Top

How to Create Online Content That Comes Out On Top
Deborah Asseraf

Everyone from your business coach to Fast Company has told you how important it is for you to have a blog. So, after one year of procrastination (or more) you finally decided to start. Only problem is you are spending hours crafting content you’re not sure it is actually being read by anyone. What do you do? Below some tips on how to create online content that comes out on top.

Please note: this article is meant for business owners who are using blogging as a way to increase awareness, get new clients and establish themselves as leaders in their industry. It is not meant as advice for professional bloggers.

It Starts With You. Your blog needs to be an authentic representation of your brand and business. And, it needs a clear CTA (call to action) at the end of each post so people aren’t just reading and moving on to the next thing. But, more than any of this it needs to be ORIGINAL content. Do not spend hours just rehashing other people’s opinions on topics that have spoken about countless times. This will not help further your brand or business. Now, I know, your blog can sometimes feel like an endless pit that continually needs more content to satisfy it’s gluttony. You’re going to just need to accept that your blog is a spoiled brat who will always ask for more. But, you need to set limits. Do NOT try to post five times a week if this means cutting back on activities that are more certain to bring you clients i.e. sales calls, networking, meeting etc.

It Continues With Help. The next step, once you are writing great original content, is to start building a following. If you are talking in an authentic voice about original topics then you will naturally start a following with fellow readers who love your prospects. If you see someone leaves a comment or reaches out to you then try to connect with them on LinkedIn to continue the conversation and start building a relationship. Other ways for you to build traffic is to guest post on blogs that have a similar audience but more traffic then you. For more on how to write a winning guest post, read this article by Ramit Sethi.

It Never Ends. Don’t take it personally if it takes you a couple tries to get featured as a guest blogger on other people’s websites. There is a lot of competition out there. In the meantime, try to also think of publications that might be interested in your content. If you are writing a financial blog then don’t aim for Fortune Magazine right away but look for smaller publications who need original content to keep an edge on their competition. Then pitch them a couple ideas you think would help increase subscriptions or reader to their magazine or newspaper.

Want to know if writing a blog is right for you? Message us below or email us at [email protected].

Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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