Hayden Panettiere: Actress Hayden Panettiere Talks About her Role as Amanda Knox in Film

Hayden Panettiere talks about her role in “Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy” about an American student convicted for murdering her roommate while she lived overseas several years ago, which will debut on Lifetime on Monday.
Hayden Panettiere: Actress Hayden Panettiere Talks About her Role as Amanda Knox in Film
Hayden Panettiere competes in DIRECTV's Fifth Annual Celebrity Beach Bowl at Victory Park on Feb. 5, 2011 in Dallas, Texas. (Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for DIRECTV)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/108847365.jpg" alt="Hayden Panettiere competes in DIRECTV's Fifth Annual Celebrity Beach Bowl at Victory Park on Feb. 5, 2011 in Dallas, Texas. (Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for DIRECTV)" title="Hayden Panettiere competes in DIRECTV's Fifth Annual Celebrity Beach Bowl at Victory Park on Feb. 5, 2011 in Dallas, Texas. (Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for DIRECTV)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1807958"/></a>
Hayden Panettiere competes in DIRECTV's Fifth Annual Celebrity Beach Bowl at Victory Park on Feb. 5, 2011 in Dallas, Texas. (Joe Scarnici/Getty Images for DIRECTV)
A movie about American student Amanda Knox, who was convicted for murdering her roommate while she lived overseas in Italy several years ago, will debut on Lifetime on Monday.

Hayden Panettiere, the star of Heroes, plays Knox in the movie Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy and spoke with media about her role.

She told USA Today that she has switched her opinion on the trial and case several times after reviewing it and going over recordings of how she spoke.

“I spent five weeks reading testimony, finding new information, and discussing the case,” Panettiere told the newspaper.

“I watched videos of her with her friends and listened to the way she spoke. But I didn’t talk to her or her family. She did want to be with me at one point, but she has only two days a week to talk to her family and have visitors, and it didn’t seem right to monopolize her time.”

Author and forensic scientist, Mark Waterbury, told CBS affiliate KIRO in Seattle that he thinks Knox, formerly a Seattle resident, is innocent based on the evidence that he examined. He came out with a book, The Monster of Perugia: The Framing of Amanda Knox, which details the case. He said that Knox was convicted due to corruption in the Italian courts.

Waterbury said that the movie’s premiere on Lifetime on Monday could be damaging for the case.

“It is not reality, it is a movie depiction. They took a lot of misinformation and they made a movie of it. That’s kind of the way they were convicted in the first place,” he told the station.

Knox recently filed an appeal in the Italian court system regarding her conviction. She is currently serving 26 years in prison.