Haqqani Network Head Believed Dead After Drone Strike

A leader in the Haqqani network in Pakistan, an insurgent group labeled as a terrorist organization by the U.S., was likely killed in a drone strike, said Pakistan intelligence officials over the weekend.
Haqqani Network Head Believed Dead After Drone Strike

A leader in the Haqqani network in Pakistan, an insurgent group labeled as a terrorist organization by the U.S., was likely killed in a drone strike, said Pakistan intelligence officials over the weekend.

Militants with the Haqqani network have carried out a series of deadly attacks on American troops and targets in Afghanistan, including a 19-hour siege on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and a nearby NATO base last September.

Pakistan intelligence officials and sources told Reuters that Badruddin Haqqani, who headed the network’s operations and was the son of the group’s founder, died during a drone strike in North Waziristan. Pakistan intelligence agency spokesperson Shafiqullah Tahiri told The Associated Press that the attack took place in the last week but did not elaborate.

Another Haqqani comander, Maulvi Ahmed Jan, said that Badruddin was still alive.

“We have proudly announced before when our people died in action or in drone strikes. Jihad against the occupying forces in Afghanistan is our mission and death is certain in fighting them. Why would we keep it secret?” he told the news agency.

At the same time, the Taliban, which is aligned with the Haqqani network, told AP that Badruddin is still alive and in Pakistan.

“A number of media have reported that Badruddin Haqqani has been killed. We would like to inform all media that this rumor is not correct,” spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid told the news agency.