Guizhou Villagers Besiege Town Hall Over Land Seizure, Embezzlement

Thousands of villagers from Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, rushed into the Tanchang town government building demanding redress for land seizure and embezzled compensation.
Guizhou Villagers Besiege Town Hall Over Land Seizure, Embezzlement
<a><img class=" wp-image-1784517   " title="20120722002237577_small" src="" alt="" width="336" height="252"/></a>

Thousands of villagers from Renhuai City, Guizhou Province, rushed into the Tanchang town government building demanding redress for land seizure and embezzled compensation, according to

Villagers smashed police cars on July 20 and 21, saying that local officials took their land and embezzled their compensation money. The Oriental Daily News, a Chinese language newspaper in Hong Kong, reported that local residents said the former mayor single-handedly embezzled tens of millions of yuan.

According to the news report, many government officials were beaten, at least seven police cars were smashed, and the government building was in ruins. Over 2,000 angry villagers besieged the town government hall in protest shouting, “Down with the corrupt government.” Renhuai City sent a riot squad to the scene to quell the protesters.

Several photos showing smashed and overturned police cars and people displaying signs that said, “Down with corrupt officials,” went viral on the Internet. Contradicting the Internet posts, Renhuai City government released a statement yesterday evening declaring that the situation was under control, no police force was used during the event, and that there were no casualties.

Read original Chinese article.

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