Global Q&A: ‘What invention do you think the world is lacking?’

Epoch Times reporters from Puerto Montt to Athens discovered when they asked locals ...
Global Q&A: ‘What invention do you think the world is lacking?’

An everlasting cellphone battery, a coconut peeler, and a cleaner to clean our world are among inspirational inventions that Epoch Times reporters from Puerto Montt to Athens discovered when they asked locals:

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Puerto Montt, Chile

Karen Villegas Asencio, 32, Bank Worker

In this world, it seems that all is invented already. One is almost no longer amazed for the new products that appear. Science and technology are so advanced, that what appears new and ingenious, one says to where we are going? The majority [of inventions] can help us in our life—can bring us comfort. But they contaminate us so much that is, the land, the water, the air—almost all the planet is contaminated. What should be invented from my point of view would be instruments and machines that can help us to clean our world; I believe that this invention should be left to this world.

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Malmö, Sweden

Bengt, Sjörin, 70, Retired UN Soldier

I think the world is lacking more good things, that’s why I wish [for an invention] that is some kind of a huge machine, or a huge laser weapon that can destroy all the weapons in our world, and after that, even destroy itself.

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Medellín, Colombia

César Augusto Coronel Espinosa, 47, Pensioner

Throughout life there have been many inventions made, and many that have yet to be invented. In the area of fruits much has been done such as kitchen aids, orange peelers, or potatoes peelers, et cetera. But the people living off coconuts and cocoa continue peeling them like they did hundreds of years ago, it would be nice to have a tool that serves to peel coconuts, and could serve at the same time in peeling cocoa.

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Itatiba, Brazil

Agatha Fernandes, 15, Student

I think the world needs a cellphone battery that never ends. The battery on my phone ends just too fast.

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Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Ali Malik, 24, MBA Student

From my point of view, the world is lacking in power supply. I think it would be helpful if people start using a solar power system on the roof of their houses. They would have a half-day power supply in the evening. The solar powered system is chargeable with the light of the sun and can be used the rest of the day. This may be an invention that already exists, but it’s not something common for all houses.

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Athens, Greece

Tilemahos Hainis, 26, Public Relations

The invention that is lacking in the 21st century that we live in is the invention that could take us to the past—to live again all the memories that you miss.

Look for the Global Q&A column every week. Epoch Times correspondents interview people around the world to learn about their lives and perspectives on local and global realities. Next week’s global question: “Do you think space exploration is worth the expense?”

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