Farmers Injured for Protesting Land Seizure in China (With Video)

Several farmers of Huaibin County in central China’s Henan Province were injured while trying to stop officials from taking their land.
Farmers Injured for Protesting Land Seizure in China (With Video)
This video uploaded on Youtube shows the conflicts between the officials and villagers on March 29, 2013 in Huaibin County, Henan Province.

Several farmers of Huaibin County in central China’s Henan Province were injured while trying to stop officials from taking their land.

According to the state-run China Youth Daily, hundreds of villagers gathered to block local officials from seizing land after offering miniscule or no compensation. Officials demanded that the farmers give up five acres of farm land for overhaul into a man-made lake, a villa area, and other projects meant to attract tourists. 

Thousands of armed local and county officials, and gangsters descended upon the village of Renyan on March 29, blocked roads that led to the contested five acres, and then drove over the farm land with approximately 200 construction vehicles. 

When several more villagers gathered demanding an explanation, the gang of officials began brutally beating whoever got in their way, including women and the elderly. 

One villager was reportedly killed at the scene, and 10 were severely injured. Although fellow villagers tried to take the injured to a nearby hospital for treatment, the police stopped them and illegally arrested dozens of villagers. 

Some villagers told an Epoch Times reporter that the officials did not ask for their opinions before expropriating the land, but told the villagers they would be compensated 23,000 yuan (approximately US$3,722) for an acre of land, which was not negotiable. 

The sentiment of government officials was described as, “Whether you accept the money doesn’t matter, we are still going to take the land.”

One villager who did not receive any compensation said, “They are just bandits!” 

Li Hongkuan, a commentator in the United States, told Radio Free Asia that the planned projects only benefit the government and officials in mainland China, and peasant-farming income has nothing to do with them.  

Translated by Irene Luo. Written in English by Arleen Richards.

Read original Chinese article. 

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