Enough Agenda-Driven Science

The “powers that be” want us to blindly follow their mandates.
Enough Agenda-Driven Science
The Reader's Turn
As I read the Sept. 20–26, 2023, issue of The Epoch Times, I was struck by clear examples of how science has been corrupted in our culture due to agendas of progressive, leftist individuals and organizations. From COVID-19 to climate change, any scientific expert who dares question the assumption of “settled science” on certain topics is certain to find themselves the victim of ridicule, bullying, and outright slander.

Another example of this is with the issue of abortion and its aftermath. Long-standing professional medical associations and organizations—all strong advocates for abortion on demand without limits (e.g. American Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Psychological Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization)—insist that abortion is safe, with very little risk of negative outcomes.

There are over 125 peer reviewed journal articles that have documented significantly increased risks for depression, anxiety, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts or behavior, domestic violence, and more, after abortion.

Additionally, there are physical risks: hemorrhage, infection, uterine perforation, cervical laceration, uterine scarring, retained tissue, failed or incomplete abortion, and hysterectomy are documented immediate risks.

Long-term, there are increased risks of preterm births in subsequent pregnancies, breast cancer, and infertility. Preterm births are increasing in frequency and come at a huge cost. If these infants survive, many face a lifetime of health issues ranging from intellectual disabilities to blindness. In 2016, the hospital costs for preterm births in the United States were estimated to be $25.2 billion. The average hospital cost for a preterm baby was $21,500, compared with $3,200 for a healthy full-term baby.

Researchers who attempt to share findings of adverse outcomes related to abortion find themselves marginalized, and canceled.

And, who benefits financially? Abortion providers. Pharmaceutical companies benefit from the sale of antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, and medication abortion component drugs themselves. By contrast, those who oppose abortion on demand without limits don’t benefit financially. Many volunteer for little or no pay.

If we have learned anything from our experiences with COVID-19 and climate change, it should be that we can no longer take these medical authorities at their word. The “powers that be” want us to blindly follow their mandates. They don’t want us to question them or to examine their “science.” This is true for vaccines and climate change and the issue of abortion and its aftermath.

Kay Kiefer, RN North Dakota