From Gothic to Gorgeous: How Black Flowers Are Transforming Gardens Worldwide

Is black the new black in gardening? How the rising popularity of adding black flowers and plants to gardens can be good for the planet.
From Gothic to Gorgeous: How Black Flowers Are Transforming Gardens Worldwide
Black Petunia in a flower bed. (Alexei/Pixabay)

In the world of gardening, a new trend has been quietly but steadily gaining ground.

Sometimes seen as an Addams Family dream or perhaps a gardener’s nightmare is the inclusion of black flowers and foliage in personal gardens.

This shift towards darker shades in gardening is not just gaining popularity in parts of the world for aesthetic preference; it’s a reflection of a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diversity and ecological importance of all plant life, regardless of colors.

Traditionally, gardens have been a vibrant riot of colors—bright reds, yellows, pinks, and purples.

However, the allure of black flowers and foliage has sparked a growing curiosity among garden enthusiasts.

Far from being morbid or gothic, these dark plants offer a dramatic flair, adding a unique visual dimension to the garden landscape. But there’s more to black flowers than just their dramatic and elegant appearance.

From the Ipmoea Black Heart Vine—part of the Creepers and Climbers family in Exotic flora—to “Black Beauty” Pansies that grow in well-draining soil and are hardy even in the coldest of temperatures. And the happiest flower of all, “Black Beauty” sunflowers, has seeds perfectly safe for human consumption.

The most coveted flower of all, which has up to 11 varieties, is the Black Tulip.

However, the name is a little misleading as the available shades of tulips are technically more aubergine and black color combined, but it is a popular choice for many in the flower bulb trading world.

Robert E. Mottern, Director of Horticulture at the Sarah P. Duke Gardens in North Carolina, offers an insightful clarification on this matter.

He says, “Pollinators prefer vibrant bright flowers vs darker flowers when all the flower color choices are available in warm weather.”

“However, in cooler temperatures, the darker colors warm faster than light colors, thus providing a more desirable source of food for pollinators.

“On warm days, flowers of all colors have warm nectar, and in that case, it seems pollinators prefer brighter colored nectar sources.”

This insight highlights the role that black flowers can play in supporting pollinator activity, especially in cooler climates.

The significance of flower color in the ecological and environmental context is further explored in a peer-reviewed journal study published in Frontiers In Plant Science in April 2022.
Black Pansy flower. (Shutterstock)
Black Pansy flower. (Shutterstock)

Authored by Sagheer Ahmad, Gui-Zen Chen, Jinliao Chen, and Yuzhen Zhou from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, the study explores the relationship between flower color, heat absorption, and pollinators.

It reveals that while most angiosperms produce vibrant colors more attractive to pollinators, a few species generate black color in the flowers.

The black color, though not traditionally attractive to pollinators, plays a crucial role in the plant’s survival strategies.

The study explains that heat stress and high temperature are closely associated with the black color’s impact on plants, pollinators, and pollination strategies.

The most prevalent pigments to paint flowers black are anthocyanins, which have a significant role in heat absorption.

The rise in interest in black flowers and dark plants can be partly attributed to the influence of social media. Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have become showcases for unique and visually stunning garden designs, where black flowers stand out for their unusual beauty and contrast against the typical color palette of gardens.

These platforms have played a pivotal role in popularising black gardens, making them more accessible and desirable to a broader audience.

But, don’t be surprised to learn that the darker palette for flowers and plants is not for everyone.

In New Zealand, Springvale Garden Centre in Whanganui shares their insights and says in their region, they don’t appear to be a popular choice, not even for the most common of black flowers. But, not because of cost- there is no price difference, but many, especially those of certain demographics simply prefer playing with color.

It’s hard to predict whether the fascination with black flowers and foliage will be a passing trend or a lasting shift in gardening preferences.

What is clear, though, is that these plants are more than just a visual novelty. They offer ecological benefits and play a role in supporting biodiversity.

Regardless, the growing curiosity and appreciation for black flowers, foliage, and dark plants in personal gardens is a positive development, both aesthetically and ecologically. These flowers and plants challenge traditional notions of beauty in the garden and offer unique benefits to the environment.

With innovations in horticulture, there will be more to explore and understand.

The diverse roles of different plants in our ecosystems show the importance of keeping an open mind and appreciating the beauty and ecological significance of all plants, including those that bloom in the darkest of hues.

The interest in black gardens reflects a broader trend towards embracing plant diversity in all its forms, recognizing that every plant, regardless of its color, has a role to play in our ecosystems.