Demilic USA Makes Insulation Worth the Investment

Demilic USA Makes Insulation Worth the Investment
Veronica Davis

Insulation is an essential part of any home. Fiber glass, steel wool, tape, plastic and a variety of chemical based sealants have been used to fill the spaces facilitating the entry of outside air, pollutants and noise. When your own home remedies don’t work, most would resolve to calling the experts.

This is normally a last resort because of the expense. If you’re going to have to invest money into hiring a contractor to insulate your home, than you need to make sure they know what they’re doing. If properly insulated, your investment pays for itself early by eliminating a large portion of both your heating and air conditioning bills. You also want to learn about the products being used. Do they effectively serve their intended purpose? How would they affect you? The environment?

I recently discovered Demilec USA and they certainly seem to understand what property owners and developers need and how to provide it. Their products not only serve the purpose of insulation but they also contribute a greener building movement. They can be credited for the invention of the spray insulation foams, made up of several environmentally safe and conscious components. Some of these components are: vegetable oil, Heatlok Soy, recycled plastic, and soy oils.

Less Waste, Less Expense

Reviews on Demilic are popping up all over the internet and they seem overwhelmingly positive. Most recently they’re mostly talking about Sealection 500. It has several advantages over similar products like Icynene. With Icynene, if the first application fails to expand and fill the area needed and you have to apply more, the second application very well may peel right off. This means you have to start all over and it produces a lot of waster. With Sealection, any further applications will easily adhere to the first. So you can start with a small, thin application without worrying about having to start all over.

Safer Insulation Alternative

It’s well known that there have been many risks associated with fiberglass and slag wool insulation.  The debate on whether the fiberglass used in insulation can cause cancer is ongoing. Both OSHA and the Environmental Protection Agency recognize the possible dangers of fiberglass, which is why it’s required to include a warning label on packaging. While it’s true that most severe health issues have been seen in construction workers and installers because they’re continuously exposed, keep this in mind... Forced air heating and cooling systems can often have leaks, especially if not properly installed or maintained. If your home has leaky ducts, those tiny, dangerous fiberglass particles can end up all throughout the house. Toxic fumes can also be released continually resulting from the resins that are used to bond the fiberglass. So personally, I would get rid of it if it were used in our house and would recommend others do the same. 



Veronica is a wife and work at home mom. Her and her husband live in Missouri with their three boys. She has been a freelance writer for over fiver years, and has since ventured into many areas of working online and marketing online. She loves being in the kitchen, discovering new dishes the family loves and hopes to go to culinary school some day. A former Marine and ex-whitewater rafting guide, she loves the outdoors and sports.
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