Clinton Campaign Confirms Her Appearance With Sanders

WASHINGTON— Hillary Clinton’s campaign is making it official: Former Democratic rival Bernie Sanders will join her at a New Hampshire event on Tuesday where he plans to endorse her.Clinton’s campaign is holding the event at a high school in Portsmout...
Clinton Campaign Confirms Her Appearance With Sanders
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton addresses the U.S. Conference of Mayors June 26, 2016 in Indianapolis, Indiana. (Photo by Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images)
The Associated Press

WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton’s campaign is making it official: Former Democratic rival Bernie Sanders will join her at a New Hampshire event on Tuesday where he plans to endorse her.

Clinton’s campaign is holding the event at a high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Sanders defeated Clinton by a wide margin in New Hampshire, in the nation’s first primary.

Sanders’ endorsement will come a month after the final primary. He’s pushed for policy agreements on higher education, health care and a $15 an hour federal minimum wage. Some of those policies were included in a draft of the party’s platform in Orlando, Florida, over the weekend.

Sanders has not yet said he will endorse Clinton but told reporters on Saturday that the two campaigns were coming together and to stay tuned.