Trump Talks Border, Jobs at Tulepo Rally Ahead of Mississippi Election

Mimi Nguyen Ly

President Donald Trump attended a campaign rally in Tulepo, Mississippi, on Nov. 26 to support the state’s Republican candidate the incumbent Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith, who is facing Democrat candidate Mike Espy in a Senate runoff election Nov. 27.

“This election is about jobs and judges, borders, and protecting the blessings of freedom and prosperity for our children,” Trump said at the start of his roughly 40-minute address to a cheering crowd.

“It’s about preserving a strong military, a safe community, and a soaring economy. We’re doing great,” he added.

The special election will determine whether Republicans will secure 52 or 53 seats in the Senate.

The run-off election marks the second time Mississippians will head to the ballot boxes to vote for their preferred senator. In the Nov. 6 special election, which was scheduled after Republican Sen. Thad Cochran decided to resign in April, no candidate won a majority of the vote, triggering the run-off election. Hyde-Smith had been appointed to temporarily fill in Cochran’s seat in March, at which point she left her former role as the state agriculture and commerce commissioner.

Hyde-Smith appeared briefly on stage at the rally and told the crowd: “This campaign is not about me. It’s about you. It’s about the people of Mississippi and what you believe in: lower taxes, less government, less regulation, supporting our veterans, our military, our law enforcement, standing up for pro-life issues.

“It is about defending the Second Amendment rights every single day,” she said.

“I’ve worked very hard for you. You know I will continue to stand up for the conservative values of Mississippi.”

In Trump’s speech, he drew contrasts between Hyde-Smith and her opponent, Mike Espy, a former secretary of agriculture under President Bill Clinton and a former congressman from Mississippi.

“Cindy’s far-left opponent, he’s far left. How does he fit in with Mississippi?” Trump asked.

“Mike Espy supported one of the largest tax increases in American history. He co-sponsored legislation that provides late-term abortion on demand.

“He backed a total government takeover of health care and he even sponsored legislation to provide free taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens, which I’m sure you love paying for.

“Mike Espy would rather protect illegal aliens than the people that live in Mississippi and Mississippi workers, it just can’t work that way,” Trump said.

He added, “We want to be nice, and we all have a big heart, but it can’t work that way, because it doesn’t work. No matter where you go in the world, that doesn’t work.”

Trump also spoke at length about employment and trade, the immigration and the border, and health care.

“Under Republican leadership, America is booming, America is thriving, America is winning again, winning like never before. We’re respected again. We’re respected again as a nation,” he said.

“Last month alone, 10 states hit their lowest unemployment rates in the history of our country. Nationwide, African American unemployment has reached its lowest rate ever recorded,” he said, to which the crowd cheered in response.

“African American youth unemployment has reached an all-time historic low. The African American poverty rate has reached the lowest level ever recorded.”

Trump noted the recent attacks on the border as he reminded the crowd of the Republican party’s stance on border protection.

“Democrats have become the party of caravans and crime because when you have open borders, you have crime. When you have sanctuary cities, you have crime,” Trump said.

“Republicans are committed to halting this incursion and defending the sovereign territory of the United States of America.

“We will not tolerate any form of assault or attack upon our border agents, like [what] happened yesterday, or any attempt to destroy federal property, overrun federal authority, or bring chaos and violence to American soil.”

Trump told the crowd that their vote would have an impact on the future of Medicare benefits.

“Also at stake is your Medicare benefits. Democrats want to raid the Medicare to fund Socialism,” he said.

“Democrats will also destroy your health care by inviting millions upon millions of aliens to violate our borders.

“Once they arrive, they want to sign them up for free health care, free welfare, free education, and the right to vote,” Trump added.

The president said that the country is in need of workers who can “love our country” and that immigrants must enter the United States legally.

“We’re not letting people into our country unless they’re coming legally, and we want people to come in through merit,” he said.

“We have great companies coming into our country, we need workers, we want them to come in but they have to be talented people that can love our country. They have to come in through merit. Not through lottery.”