Chinese Student Enjoys Classical Chinese Dance in Shen Yun

Two students who were interviewed after the show said they were most impressed by the final program Before Disaster, the Divine is Rescuing.
Chinese Student Enjoys Classical Chinese Dance in Shen Yun

HIROSHIMA, Japan—Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company, the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company, with a mission to revive China’s lost traditional culture, performed to a full house at the Hiroshima City Cultural Exchange Hall on Feb. 19.

This year’s performance line-up includes a theme of “good versus evil,” from ancient Chinese legends to stories of current events in China, shown through classical Chinese dance.

More than 100 Chinese people came all the way from Fukuoka. They hired several buses to get to Hiroshima to watch the performance. Two students who were interviewed after the show said they were most impressed by the final program Before Disaster, the Divine is Rescuing.

In this dance, the good are spared from a calamity, according to the the program.

One of the students in the group was shocked by what he saw in the performance and hoped that people would be saved. “It would be good if that day could come early,” said the student. The Epoch Times is withholding the student’s names to protect them from persecution in China.

“When we were in China, we did not have a chance to see classical Chinese dance. Now we know what it is all about. It is really marvelous and amazing,” said the student.

Another student loved the lyrics of the songs sung by the award-winning solo vocalists.

He said that he had heard about the persecution of Falun Gong when he was in China. It was depicted in a danced called The Choice.

“I personally think that to present the event [the persecution of Falun Gong] through the performing arts is a fantastic idea. The effects from using the electronic projection on the backdrop were great and created a very touching atmosphere,” said the student.

He said he hoped that the persecution of Falun Gong would end soon because he believed that it was the earnest hope of every Falun Gong practitioner.

Reporting by Ren Zihui and Hsin-Yi Lin.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit


Read the original Chinese article

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