Kitten Uses Power Line as Tightrope to Elude Rescuers

Epoch Video

In the Oran province, the Algerian Civil Defense appeared to be no match for this kitten. Initially there to rescue this feline from a tall lamp post, they soon realized that this cat had other plans.

As one team member climbed up to save it, the kitten used its quick reflexes to get away.

This cat is apparently quite the high-wire escapee as it simply scampers onto the power cable. As you can see in this video, it moves across it like it’s a tightrope.

Spectators gasp as things get a little dicey when the cat nearly falls after losing its balance. You can see the poor thing holding on for dear life as it dangled in the air.

After realizing the cat has sealed its fate, the first responders gather beneath the cat as other members use poles to shake the cat free of the cable. Finally, the cat falls where the rescuers used sheets to safely break its fall.

Landing on its feet, nine lives still intact, the feisty feline makes a run from it all. There’s no indication whether or not the rescuers found the kitten, or if it simply ran back home. But this “May-day” will certainly be one to remember for everyone involved.

Credit: storyful