Building Housing Foreign Journalists in Gaza Hit with Rockets

Multiple first-hand accounts from journalists in Gaza are reporting that two buildings used by working journalists were hit last night and early this morning. No fatalities were reported.
Building Housing Foreign Journalists in Gaza Hit with Rockets

JERUSALEM--The fifteenth floor of a building with functioning offices of foreign journalists in the Gaza Strip was hit by two rockets on Sunday morning.

According to multiple accounts of journalists who work or have worked in the building, two rockets hit the building early Sunday morning. Several journalists familiar with the story posted updates on Twitter under the keyword #Gaza throughout the morning.

A second building with offices of Lebanon-based Ma'an News Agency and Al-Quds TV was also hit. Al-Quds is widely known as a “mouthpiece of Hamas.”

There are conflicting reports about the number of injuries, with several journalists familiar with the details of the bombing saying at least four people were injured. No deaths have been reported, but there are multiple reports of an as-yet unidentified journalist in the Ma'an building losing a leg.

Ramallah-based journalist Dalia Hatuqa posted a photo of some of the damage done, and the UK’s Sky News posted a first-person account by one of their reporters (who did not identify himself) about the attack on the building.

You can see the Sky News report here.

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