Boeing Space Taxi to Become Reality by 2015 (Video)

Boeing is partnering with Space Adventures, Ltd. to launch space taxis for private citizens by 2015.
Boeing Space Taxi to Become Reality by 2015 (Video)
[youtube]Mn_gXEK5XmQ[/youtube] Watch a Boeing animation of the CST-100 spacecraft.Boeing is building “space taxis” that will allow private citizens to hop on a spacecraft and launch into low Earth orbit—for tens of million dollars, of course!

The airplane manufacturer will partner with Space Adventures Ltd. to start up a space taxi program they hope to be operational by 2015.

Boeing has been testing rockets and capsules for use by space tourists, and has chosen its Boeing Crew Space Transportation-100 (CST-100) spacecraft, according to the Washington Post. Under the agreement between the two companies, Space Adventures will sell seats aboard the Boeing aircraft and to various destinations in low Earth orbit.

“We are excited about the potential to offer flights on Boeing’s spacecraft,” said Eric Anderson, co-founder and chairman of Space Adventures, in a statement.

“By combining our talents, we can better offer safe, affordable transportation to commercial spaceflight customers,” said Brewster Shaw, vice president and general manager of Boeing’s Space Exploration division.

The CST-100 could carry seven passengers, and the cost of a ticket has not been announced.

Non-private citizens likely to have interest in space taxis are NGOs, and governmental agencies other than NASA, Boeing said in its official press release.