Arizona Governor: Election Is Not Over

NTD Television

When answering questions during a news conference at the Arizona Health Department on Wednesday, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) explained that he will accept the election results once all legal claims and challenges are adjudicated. This was the governor’s first press conference since Election Day.

Ducey said: “I’ve also said that we are going to count all the votes in Arizona. We are going to allow whatever legal challenges that come to be swiftly adjudicated inside the state of Arizona and that I will respect the election results.”

Ducey, a Republican, has not called Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden the winner of Arizona but has congratulated Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly on winning the Senate special election.

There is one ongoing lawsuit in Arizona, filed by the Arizona Republican Party against the Maricopa County Recorder. The lawsuit seeks to conduct a full hand audit according to precincts, as opposed to voting centers.