Are We Ready for Globalized, Socialized, Sexualized Education?

Are We Ready for Globalized, Socialized, Sexualized Education?
In this file photo, guests arrive at OECD headquarters in Paris on Nov. 27, 2013. (Antoine Antoniol/Getty Images)
Kimberly Ells
United Nations agencies and their partners are working to dominate the education systems of the world, which will enable them to deliver children’s sexual rights ideology in tandem with socialist and anti-family philosophies to youth around the globe.

This is problematic for those who value sexual fidelity, free enterprise, and family.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a key player in facilitating the global education movement that seeks to displace parents as the primary influencers of their children.

The OECD was originally established to help countries recover from World War II, but today it has other goals. The group is a member of the U.N. Global Compact and partners with U.N. entities including UNESCO, which champions sexual rights for children worldwide. The OECD also collaborates with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (the largest promoter of children’s sexual rights in the world) and the Open Society Foundation, led by billionaire political activist George Soros. It has also received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The OECD has traditionally claimed to support democracy and free markets. However, as it deepens ties with the United Nations and other partners, its aims appear to be evolving.

Fostering Socialistic ‘Global Skills and Attitudes’

What positions does the OECD promote? The OECD’s “The Future of Education and Skills, Education 2030” document (pdf), published in 2018, says, “Children entering school in 2018 ... will need to value common prosperity, sustainability, and well-being” above other concerns and that “curricula should continue to evolve, perhaps in radical ways” that “reflect evolving societal requirements.”
The entity says global education efforts are designed to focus on:
  • Environmentalism focusing on “climate change and the depletion of natural resources [which] require urgent action and adaptation.”
  • Economic change requiring “new economic, social and institutional models.”
  • Social evolution arising from “cultural diversity.”
Encapsulated in these three points are the seeds of the global takeover of energy resources, a transition from capitalism to more “equitable” economic models (i.e., socialism), and the intentional rise of diverse family structures and sexually diverse culture.
In its “Global Competency for an Inclusive World” document (pdf), the OECD reveals its decidedly anti-family position. It says, “The skills, attitudes, and values that shape human behavior should be rethought, to counter the discriminatory behaviors picked up at school and in the family” in order to teach young people “to challenge cultural and gender stereotypes” and to “help create tolerant, integrated societies.”

By its own admission, the OECD intends to foster widespread rethinking of the values that children learn in their families.

The OECD uses testing tools such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Study on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) to advance this agenda. The OECD says of the SSES assessment:

“Apart from examining the level of children’s socio-emotional skills, the study will gather information on their family, school, and community learning contexts, thus aiming to provide information about the conditions and practices that foster or hinder the development of these critical skills.”

The OECD intends to question children to uncover information about their private family life. This data can then be used to help global education monitors dissect how elements of a child’s family life foster or hinder the development of the socialistic “global skills and attitudes” the U.N. and the OECD wish to foster in children.

This tactic of asking students probing questions to assess their family life is a classic socialist-communist technique often used to pit children against their families, fracture cultural alliances, and expose religious loyalties.

To Measure Attitudes or to Change Them?

In 2012, OECD Director of Education and Skills Andreas Schleicher offered an example of how the OECD not only seeks to measure attitudes but to change them through data collection:

“Data transformed some of the beliefs and paradigms underlying German education. For example, traditionally, the education of the very young children was seen as the business of families, and you would have cases where women were seen as neglecting their family responsibilities when they sent their children to [preschool]. PISA has transformed that debate and pushed early childhood education right at the center of public policy in Germany,” he said in a 2012 TED talk.

Consider that carefully. Schleicher gives PISA and the OECD credit for changing Germany’s attitudes and policies regarding the education of very young children. Education of young children was previously seen as the purview of families, especially mothers. Now, thanks largely to PISA, the education of the very young in Germany is seen as a state responsibility. The OECD holds this up as a shining example of the fundamental change their assessments can bring to pass. And they’re right.

This is a perilous course. If we wish to protect our nations, our children, and our families from the global ideological onslaught, we must swiftly adjust our trajectory. We must:
  • Disengage from federal and global educational funding;
  • Re-localize control of school curricula;
  • Expose the destructive and deadly legacy of socialist principles;
  • Reassert nations’ rights to drive their own economic and environmental policies;
  • Teach sexual fidelity and responsibility in the context of family formation;
  • Promote family-based solutions to world problems.
If we don’t take these actions—and the current U.S. administration seems determined not to take them—we will increasingly see the social, emotional, moral, and economic vitality of the world reduced to wreckage.

Therefore, what we can’t accomplish in public policy, we must undertake to accomplish in our homes and communities. In doing so, over time we will raise up a generation of patriots who understand history, value individual rights, prize economic autonomy, and embrace the family as the core of civilization.

These rising patriots will be prepared to defend the pillars of prosperous living and rebuild our society on truly sustainable grounds.

Kimberly Ells is a policy adviser for Family Watch International and the author of “The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can’t Win,” which exposes U.N. agencies’ widespread promotion of sexual rights for children and frames the family as the most powerful organization in the world.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Kimberly Ells is the author of “The Invincible Family: Why the Global Campaign to Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can’t Win” and is a policy adviser for Family Watch International, where she works to protect children from early sexualization, defend parental rights, and promote the family as the fundamental unit of society. Kimberly is an avid researcher and writer on family issues and has authored policy briefs for international distribution. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English. She is married and is the mother of five children. Contact her at [email protected] and
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