Apple Store Customer Praises Nashville, Tenn., Employee Who Assisted Her Son

Apple Store Customer Praises Nashville, Tenn., Employee Who Assisted Her Son
Epoch Newsroom

“Life is a learning journey. And I walked away from this experience with the reminder to always meet people where they are at. It’s so easy to be so focused on our own mission or plan (or sale) that we fail to see what people really need. I long to be better at this. I long to not be so self-absorbed that I never miss an opportunity to love exactly like someone needs in the moment.”

“That moment reminded me that there are good people in this world and that there will always be people to care for James,” Rink added to NBC4.

Andrew Wall, the employee, later wrote to Rink a response.

“I began working at Apple in hopes of having fulfilling moments like this,'” the Belmont psychology graduate wrote. “My hopes are to work within the realm of youth counseling. Thanks again for making my day!”