Anonymous and LulzSec Post Response to FBI Arrests

The “Hacktivist” groups Anonymous and LulzSec have posted a joint response today to statements made by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Steve Chabinsky in an interview with National Public Radio (NPR) on July 20 over the arrests of 14 people associated with Anonymous.
Anonymous and LulzSec Post Response to FBI Arrests
The logo of digital activist organiztaion Anonymous Operations. (Courtesy of Anonymous Operations)

<a><img src="" alt="The logo of digital activist organiztaion Anonymous Operations.  (Courtesy of Anonymous Operations)" title="The logo of digital activist organiztaion Anonymous Operations.  (Courtesy of Anonymous Operations)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1790879"/></a>
The logo of digital activist organiztaion Anonymous Operations.  (Courtesy of Anonymous Operations)
The “Hacktivist” groups Anonymous and LulzSec have posted a joint response today to statements made by FBI Deputy Assistant Director Steve Chabinsky in an interview with National Public Radio (NPR) on July 20 over the arrests of 14 people associated with Anonymous.

The hacktivists stated in their post to text board website PasteBin that “We recently stumbled across the following article with amazement and a certain amount of amusement,” referring to the NPR article in which the interview was published.

Chabinsky stated during his interview that “We want to send a message that chaos on the Internet is unacceptable, [even if] hackers can be believed to have social causes, it’s entirely unacceptable to break into websites and commit unlawful acts.”

The hacktivists responded by accusing the Bureau and its affiliated government and corporate entities of corruption and hypocrisy.

“Mr. Chabinsky, while we understand that you and your colleagues may find breaking into websites unacceptable, let us tell you what WE find unacceptable,” said the reponse.

“Governments lying to their citizens and inducing fear and terror to keep them in control by dismantling their freedom piece by piece, corporations aiding and conspiring with said governments while taking advantage at the same time by collecting billions of funds for federal contracts we all know they can’t fulfill,” and “Lobby conglomerates who only follow their agenda to push the profits higher, while at the same time being deeply involved in governments around the world with the only goal to infiltrate and corrupt them enough so the status quo will never change.”

The group challenges Chabinsky and the symbol of authority he represents to them. “Do you really believe you were in control of [the internet] at any point?” they ask. “You were not.”

Standing Firm

The FBI made raids in 9 states and the District of Columbia on Wednesday to arrest individuals who they believed partook in Anonymous’ cyber-attacks on Paypal last year after it had suspended the accounts of whistleblowing website, WikiLeaks.

Anonymous received wide media attention after it had performed that attack and several others on websites and organizations, including MasterCard and PayPal, that had ceased support for WikiLeaks after the website came under government fire for leaking and exposing hundreds of thousands of classified documents.

Anonymous and LulzSec state that they are unhampered by the arrests and will continue their effort to attack governments and corporate entities ceaselessly. “We’re all Anonymous. You can’t arrest us all,” says a member of Anonymous on Twitter.

The group states firmly in their response to Chabinsky that they are not afraid of him. “Your threats to arrest us are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea. Any attempt to do so will make your citizens more angry until they will roar in one gigantic choir,” states the response. “It is our mission to help these people and there is nothing – absolutely nothing – you can possibly to do make us stop.”