AngloGold Miners Back to Work

After weeks of stop-and-go production punctuated by labor strikes, the third largest gold producer in the world, South African company AngloGold Ashanti, announced that its workers would return to the mines for the night shift Sunday, Nov. 4.
AngloGold Miners Back to Work
Striking Lonmin platinum mine workers sit on Sept. 14, 2012 in Marikana, South Africa, listening to their union representatives reporting back from a meeting with the management. (Alexander Joe/AFP/Getty Images)
Kremena Krumova
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1774827" title="SAFRICA-MINING-LABOR-STRIKE" src="" alt="" width="590" height="442"/></a>

Kremena Krumova is a Sweden-based Foreign Correspondent of Epoch Times. She writes about African, Asian and European politics, as well as humanitarian, anti-terrorism and human rights issues.
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