Andrew Madoff Cancer: Son of Bernie Madoff Battling for Life

Andrew Madoff Cancer: Son of Bernie Madoff Battling for Life
Zachary Stieber

Andrew Madoff got a donor lymphocyte infusion earlier in the week in the hopes of salvaging the stem cell transplant he received on May 29.

His situation wasn’t improving over the last several months, which led to the donor infusion, he told People Magazine. Madoff is the sole surviving son of Bernie Madoff.

“This will hopefully prevent it from failing,” he said. “If they didn’t do this, it would certainly have failed.”

There’s a 50/50 chance the infusion will work. Madoff is staying positive. 

“It’s hard. It’s been a long road. I’ve been receiving treatment since January, and it’s a lot,” he said. “Six rounds of chemotherapy, then radiation, then more chemo before the transplant, then the transplant itself.”

He also referenced his father, who is serving a 150-year prison sentence after being found guilty of operating a Ponzi scheme.

“Even on my deathbed I will never forgive him for what he did,” he said.