‘An Unprecedented Evil Persecution’—Chapter Six: Pouring the Entire Nation’s Efforts Into Persecution

‘An Unprecedented Evil Persecution’—Chapter Six: Pouring the Entire Nation’s Efforts Into Persecution
Cover of the book "An Unprecedented Evil Persecution"
Zhang Tianliang
The Epoch Times is proud to republish “An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: a Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind” (eds. Dr. Torsten Trey and Theresa Chu. 2016. Clear Insight Publishing). The book helps with the understanding of forced organ harvesting in China by explaining the root cause behind this atrocity: the genocide committed by the Chinese regime against Falun Gong practitioners.

On July 29, 2014, Xinhua News Agency, the propaganda outlet of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), published a news brief that would inevitably capture the world’s attention: Zhou Yongkang, former member of the Politburo Standing Committee and Secretary of the Central Politics and Law Committee, was under investigation for alleged serious discipline violations. Zhou is the most senior official being investigated on corruption charges since the CCP established its regime 60 years ago.

In fact, the accusation of “corruption” was just the cover story. The real reason is Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, and others, under the support of Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong, had planned a coup to overthrow President Xi Jinping(1) and replace him with Bo Xilai. Therefore, Xi Jinping had no choice but to remove Zhou, Bo and even their behind-the-scenes supporters.

The actual reason for the coup stems from the fact that more than a decade ago, Jiang and his faction had poured the entire nation’s resources to suppress Falun Gong, resulting in an earth-shattering blood debt. The only way to avoid the inevitable exposure is to tightly grasp onto power and to continue the policy of persecution; Bo Xilai was the hand-picked candidate to achieve this task.

After the CCP established its regime, the persecution suffered by the military personnel of the Chinese Nationalist Party, members of various religious and civil organizations, rural and urban property owners, as well as the targeted victims of the decade long “Cultural Revolution,” it caused the Chinese people to be vulnerable to the CCP’s capability for brutality. Similarly the “June 4th Incident,” otherwise known as the “Tiananmen Square Massacre,” in the eyes of the world, showcased the CCP’s determination of its persecutory tactics. Faced with Falun Gong’s widespread and sustained nonviolent resistance, one can therefore insinuate from the historical context the extent of how cruel and intense the CCP’s persecution could be.

The former CCP General Secretary Jiang Zemin changed Deng Xiaoping’s motto of “all resources and efforts are centered on economic development” to “all resources and efforts are centered on suppressing Falun Gong,” and transformed the structure of the national authorities to implement such a policy. This article will examine the gravity of the persecution of Falun Gong from this perspective.

The First Persistent, Large Scale, Non-Violent Resistance in CCP History

In the history of the Communist Party, it has never taken more than three days to completely suppress a certain group or individual. Therefore, Jiang was convinced that it would only take him no more than three months to eradicate Falun Gong. However, he was met with Falun Gong’s enduring peaceful resistance. This resistance has three key characteristics: endurance, large scale and non-violence.
The CCP’s persecution has persisted for over 15 years now. From the onset, Falun Gong practitioners in mainland China publicly posted flyers, distributed CD’s, hung banners, circulated the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and experienced imprisonment and torture at the hands of the CCP. Yet irrespective of the punishment, they maintained their endurance on a large scale. Falun Gong practitioners overseas have established and managed a variety of media platforms, engaged in litigation action against Communist leaders responsible for the persecution, broke through the CCP’s internet blockades, revived traditional Chinese culture, as well as showcased classical Chinese dance in the annual Shen Yun performances. These activities have gained momentum in the last 15 years, going from strength to strength.

From “All Resources and Efforts Are Centered on Economic Development” to “All Resources and Efforts Are Centered on Suppressing Falun Gong”

(1) A Considerable Financial Investment

Nevertheless, the cost of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is also considerable. What may cost Falun Gong practitioners one US dollar or one minute’s worth of time, the CCP may have to invest thousands or tens of thousands of US dollars and a few days or months’ to counteract. To give the simplest example: when Falun Gong practitioners’ overseas software developers performed an upgrade to break the internet blockade, the response from the CCP resulted in an immense investment in research and development. Thousands or tens of thousands of firewall upgrades occurred, and export bandwidth at a rate of more than two Tbps data (one trillion bits per second) had to be filtered.(2) (3) For instance, when Falun Gong practitioners filed one lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, the CCP would send a large special interest group to lobby the State Council, the Ministry of Justice, the courts and all relevant personnel, and would make great concessions on trade in order to evade further detailed investigation on Jiang Zemin.
A survey showed that the CCP spends a quarter of its gross domestic product (GDP) on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The amount of resources utilized to fund the persecution is equivalent to the means of subsidizing a war.(4)

(2) The Heavy Price of Persecution

Jiang Zemin changed Deng Xiaoping’s “all resources and efforts are centered on economic development” to “all resources and efforts are centered on suppressing Falun Gong.” From both domestic and foreign affairs, one can already gain some insight.
In terms of internal political affairs, the CCP had no choice but to adjust its organizational structure and set up the unlawful “610 Office” to suppress Falun Gong, which monopolizes the entire public security, procuratorial, legislative, and judiciary sectors, but also the domains of intelligence, diplomatic affairs, finance, the military, armed police, medical institutions and mass communications, etc.(5) The CCP claims that the superiority of socialism is its “concentrating power in doing great work.” The “610 Office” is such an agency that can virtually mobilize all national resources through the channels of the major institutions. It is in summary, another central authority outside of the Politburo Standing Committee. This central authority is headed by Li Lanqing, the former First Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council and Jiang’s close friend. Luo Gan assumed a specific authority of command and supervision while the central power is directly controlled by Jiang.

Because of Falun Gong’s resolute and uncompromising resilience, Jiang Zemin’s frustration and humiliation escalated the persecution relentlessly, this exacerbated the already existing bloodbath. In 2002, before the 16th National Congress, Jiang made his last international official visit to Chicago, where he was served a legal summons and complaint about human rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners.

On the one hand, due to the litigation instigated by Falun Gong practitioners, there is the possibility of repercussions for Jiang’s reign of terror. On the other hand, the majority of members of the Politburo Standing Committee did not have any vested interest in the persecution. In order to ensure his power would remain intact, Jiang Zemin enforced a fundamental change in the Politburo Standing Committee before the end of term as General Secretary. Jiang strategically placed two of his henchmen as the eighth and ninth members to the original seven-member committee. Li Changchun was in charge of anti-Falun Gong propaganda and Luo Gan was responsible for ensuring the continued violent persecution against Falun Gong practitioners.

Jiang also re-branded the CCP’s traditional title of “core leadership” and replaced it with a new title of “collective leadership.” This act deliberately and effectively stripped his successor, Hu Jintao, the authority over Li Changchun, Luo Gan and their corresponding political portfolios.

The CCP morphed from a dictatorship to an “oligarchy” system, with a pool of nine Standing Committee members, whereby each position had specific and independent responsibilities. This resulted in: 1) Luo Gan as a member of the Politburo Standing Committee having an instrumental role which gave him access to mobilize the country’s resources to continue Jiang’s repressive policies. 2) The autonomous roles of nine committee members meant that Luo Gan’s authority was not scrutinized or challenged. This important organizational restructure was orchestrated by Jiang, with the primary aim to target the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Meanwhile, Jiang also made a decision that shocked the international community. Jiang organized Zhang Wannian to employ a paramilitary coup, in order for a special motion to re-elect Jiang Chairman of the Central Military Commission for an extended-term after the 2002 16th National Congress. Jiang was prepared to concentrate another two more years to resolve the Falun Gong issue. However in 2004, when the persecution became increasingly difficult to sustain, Jiang had no choice but to withdraw from the CCP’s highest position of power.

On the diplomatic front and on the surface, the CCP places Taiwan, Tibet, and pro-democracy issues in centerpiece positions, when in fact, the Falun Gong issue is its core interest. For example, the “Washington Times” reported in March 9, 2001, that Zhu Qizhen and Li Daoyu, former Chinese Ambassadors to the U.S., and Zhang Wenpu, former Chinese Ambassador to Canada, met with former United States National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice. During the meeting, without forewarning, one of the former Ambassadors pulled out a prepared speech and proceeded to read from the paper that focused on how Falun Gong was posing a threat to the Chinese government. Rice was reportedly “angered by the Chinese diplomats’ tirade and quickly ended the meeting after the 20-minute reading.”(6)

(3) The Failed Assassination Plots and Coup D’etat

At a banquet, Liu Jing, former deputy director of the “610 Office,” revealed that the CCP leadership was divided into two factions over the Falun Gong issue. Hu Jintao’s disagreement with the suppression of Falun Gong was met with reprimand and vehement opposition by Jiang Zemin, who subsequently attempted to plot Hu’s assassination.(7)
On November 15, 2006, Hong Kong “Trends” magazine reported the year’s exclusive “May 1st incident,” where Hu Jintao was almost assassinated in the Yellow Sea. An investigation found that the orders for the assassination originated from Jiang himself. Admiral Zhang Dingfa was designated to execute Jiang’s attempted assassination mission to kill Hu. At the end of 2006, Zhang’s death was announced. There was no mourning and no eulogy. Both the official “Xinhua News Agency” and the “Liberation Army Daily” were silent on the issue. Only the “People’s Navy News” published a brief article.(8)
During the 17th National Congress in 2007, because of Hu’s interference, Jiang failed to have Bo Xilai, his favorite loyalist and willing partner in the crime against Falun Gong, to become Hu’s successor. However, Jiang was still able to get Zhou Yongkang, another of his henchman with blood on his hands, to replace Luo Gan at the top position in the Politburo Standing Committee and guarantee that the persecution of Falun Gong would be continued. Jiang’s next step was to initiate a scheme with Zhou and Bo to plan a coup to get rid of Xi Jinping in 2014.

(4) The Boiling Over of Grievances From the People

Today, China is brimming with discontent and turmoil. It is not only the direct consequence of the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong, but also an unfortunate situation deliberately manufactured by the Politics and Law Committee.

According to China’s official statistics, before the CCP’s crackdown on Falun Gong, there were one hundred million people practicing Falun Gong. In the beginning of the persecution, the CCP utilized all its propaganda tools to broadcast 24-hour continual programs to demonize Falun Gong. However, none of the planned programs so much as alluded to Falun Gong practitioners as having committed corruption, prostitution, petty theft, murder, or arson. This omission in the broadcasts precisely gave proof that Falun Gong practitioners who live their lives in accordance with the tenets of “truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance,” are all good citizens.

It can be said that to suppress such a large group of the population, Jiang’s evil intention cannot be achieved as long as there is a hint of social justice. In a normal society, freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom to protest and demonstrate, freedom to have an independent judiciary and so on, are means of maintaining social justice. The primary task of the “610 Office” is to be an obstacle that hinders social justice and stunt its development.

In this way, the Chinese society is turned into a jungle where “the survival of the fittest” and “the strong will devour the weak” rule, where there is no opportunity for victims to voice or redress their grievances. These grievances grow ever bigger and accumulate, creating a situation similar to a pressure cooker that can explode at any time.

It is precisely such a scenario that the Politics and Law Committee needs, since the more chaotic the society, the more attention and responsibility the people will entrust to the Politics and Law Committee, and the more resources the committee is able to obtain. When the entire Communist regime has to rely on persecuting Falun Gong practitioners to maintain its existence, the Politics and Law Committee will naturally become the highest controlling authority. Currently, it costs the country a staggering 700 billion yuan RMB [~112 billion USD] annually to maintain the CCP’s stability. This sum is more than the allocated government military expenditure.(9) As the Politics and Law Committee may be required to mobilize the armed police at any time to suppress civil commotions, and military mobilization procedures are complex, this makes the expansion of power for the Politics and Law Committee possible in order to contend with the Military Commission.
Jiang Zemin exploited the Politics and Law Committee as the vehicle to promote Bo Xilai’s rise in power, this is precisely because it supplied the only possible guarantee for Bo to hold absolute power.


From instituting the “610 Office” in 1999, to coercing the re-election of Jiang Zemin as Chairman of the Military Committee in 2002; from deliberately adding two more members to the Politburo Standing Committee, to be in charge of “politics and law” and “publicity and propaganda,” respectively, during the 2002 16th National Congress, to abolishing Hu Jintao’s core power by changing the Standing Committee into an “oligarchy” mode of operation; from strengthening the Politburo Standing Committee’s powers and increased “stability maintenance” expenditure by the creation of a second central authority, to the detailed planning of assassinations and coups; the CCP’s reorganizations of the power structure in the last 15 years have all been designed to safeguard the resources it can access for the persecution.

The CCP monopolizes all public resources and possesses absolute power without restrictions, while the international community continues to invest large amounts of capital into China through investment, trade, and good relations. Be that as it may, the expenditures for this persecution and the related issues that are generated are such that even China, the world’s second-highest GDP economy, is overwhelmed.

Since the premise of the persecution of Falun Gong is to allow the mechanism that upholds society to fail completely by encouraging evil actions and attacking the compassionate and kind, therefore the victims are not just Falun Gong practitioners, but also ordinary people who are all faced with the loss of social security. Currently, government officials and the general public are in opposing camps. Then, there is also the issue of environmental and social problems brought about by a nationwide moral decay—all of which are directly related to the persecution.

In ancient Chinese history, four different emperors had taken calamitous measures to annihilate Buddhism, but none of these incidents lasted over six years or covered more than a limited geographic area. In the West, likewise, was the intermittent persecution of Christians by the Roman Empire. However, regardless of whether it is ancient China or the Roman Empire, neither had the capability to control every aspect of society, nor the indemnity of a full range of organizational and financial security, unlike the CCP. Additionally, the CCP has the power to pour the entire nation’s resources to focus exclusively on the persecution, with an array of extreme torture methods and brainwashing, as well as the guaranteed protection of the army and armed police when undertaking large-scale and systematic organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners—resulting in murder for profit.

Seventeen years of persecution and counter-persecution activities, the situation has been evidently clear; Falun Gong’s protests against the persecution will continue and persist, while the CCP’s regime is not able to sustain its status quo and is on the verge of disintegration.

In human history, there has never been an empire that spanned over a thousand years, but there have been faiths that lasted for more than a millennium. No matter how utterly devoid of conscience the persecution seems, good and evil retribution will eventually become apparent.

[1] Kyodo News correspondent reports from Beijing, states: “It seems in addition to being investigated for corruption, Zhou Yongkang will likely have to face inquiries about the coup.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2014/07/140730_zhou_yongkang_japan.shtml
[2] CNNIC announced the international export distribution of China’s Internet Network (CIN) at the end of June 2013. The total international export bandwidth of CIN’s principal internet backbone network reached 2,098,150 Mbps. http://data.lmtw.com/yjjg/201307/91967.html
[3] Harvard University’s proxy testing shows that Falun Gong-related websites met with the most severe blockade by the CCP http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/publications/2005/Internet_Filtering_in_ China_in_2004_2005 https://opennet.net/studies/china#toc4a
[4] A collection of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong investigation reports http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/node/23256
[5] Investigative report on the “610 Office” systematic involvement in the persecution of Falun Gong http://www.zhuichaguoji.org/node/23202
[7] In 2002, Liu Jing disclosed internal divergence in the CCP leadership regarding the repression of Falun Gong http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/12/4/9/n3560912.htm
[8] The secret behind Hu Jintao’s three hair-raising assassination encounters http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/12/5/27/n3598251.htm
[9] The National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference views on Chinese military spending and the “stability maintenance” expenses http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/china/2014/03/140305_ana_ china_npc_army.shtml
Dr. Zhang Tianliang is a professor at Fei Tian College and the librettist for Shen Yun Performing Arts operas. He is a prolific writer, historian, film producer, screenwriter, and thinker. He co-authored several books on communism that have been translated into over 20 languages. He is the founder of NPO Tianliang Alliance. Follow him on YouTube @TianLiangTimes
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