About 100,000 Chinese People Died In Car Accidents

About 100,000 Chinese People Died In Car Accidents
China Photos/Getty Images

According to the Mingpao News, a total of 450,000 road accidents were reported last year in mainland China. These accidents caused 98,738 deaths. Nine-two percent of all accidents are attributed to people’s bad driving skills.

Last year’s accidents caused a total of 470,000 injured people, and it incurred a cost of 1.9 billion yuan (approximately $US 2.34 billion) in lost revenue. The Ministry of Transport said that there are various reasons for these accidents, but the main cause being the lack of good driving skills.

World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the actual number of deaths on China’s roads is twice the figure released by the government. The say the main reason is that many of the accidents occurred in the countryside and are not reported.