A Large Love Affair: Chinese Man Seeks to Gain 225 Pounds to Match Wife

A newly married man from Henan Province is deliberately putting on weight to become a better match for his obese bride.
A Large Love Affair: Chinese Man Seeks to Gain 225 Pounds to Match Wife
Screenshot shows Liu Ru and his wife Chang Qinghua. Liu is deliberately putting on weight to become a better match for Chang, who was more than twice his weight when they got married in May. Sohu.com/Screenshot/Epoch Times

A newly married man from Henan Province is deliberately putting on weight to become a better match for his obese bride, according to Sohu.com.

Liu Ru from Jiaozuo married Chang Qinghua, who is more than double his weight at around 22 stone. Liu went from weighing nearly 140 pounds in July to nearly 180 pounds during only three months of marriage by overeating.

Meanwhile, Chang, 26, tried to lose weight and dropped about 20 pounds through a crash diet, but stopped after suffering health problems.

According to Sohu.com, the 25-year-old Liu intends to gain 225 pounds.

Liu reportedly proposed to Chang on her 26th birthday on May 20, after only four dates.

At first, the couple’s parents did not support the marriage due to the large difference in their sizes. Chang’s parents agreed first, when they saw how much they loved each other, but Liu did not wed Chang until his own parents finally gave in.