A Glimpse of Tom Hanks in ‘Sully’ Trailer Promises a Must-Watch


Six years ago pilot Chesley Sullenberger gained national attention when he safely landed U.S. Airways Flight 1549 into New York’s Hudson River after a gaggle of geese disabled the engine. Now the aftermath of the days that followed is revealed as Tom Hanks plays Sullenberger in the first trailer for “Sully.”

The Clint Eastwood directed film depicts moments when Hanks confidently lands the aircraft in the water and then when his decision to do so is scrutinized. 

“Over 40 years in the air, but in the end I’m going to be judged on 208 seconds,” says Hank’s pilot. 

Sullenberger was praised for his heroic efforts when he saved the lives of all 155 passengers and crew members on Jan. 15, 2009. The emergency landing was dubbed the “Miracle on the Hudson.” In his first interview with Katie Couric, Sullenberger recounted the critical moment.

“I made the brace for impact announcement in the cabin and immediately, through the hardened cockpit door, I heard the flight attendants begin shouting their commands in response to my command to brace,” he said. “‘Heads down. Stay down.’ I could hear them clearly. They were chanting it in unison over and over again to the passengers, to warn them and instruct them.”

He added, “I felt very comforted by that. I knew immediately that they were on the same page. That if I could land the airplane, that they could get them out safely. I was sure I can do it.”

The entire crew of the flight was subsequently awarded the Master’s Medal of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators.

The military veteran also released a best-selling memoir, “Highest Duty: My Search for What Really Matters,” which detailed the landing as well as his early life.

“Sully,”also stars Laura Linney and Aaron Eckhart. The film is scheduled to open in theaters on Sept. 9.