A Film That Inspires Compassion: ‘Silver Screen Dreams’ Has World Premiere in Los Angeles

A Film That Inspires Compassion: ‘Silver Screen Dreams’ Has World Premiere in Los Angeles
(L-R) Assistant Director Sophie Song, Producer & Actress Grace Wei, Lead Actress Alyssa Zheng, Actress Gillian Zhao, and Actress Nancy Liu. Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times

Following the tremendous success of “Origin Bound,” New Century Films premiered another award-winning film, “Silver Screen Dreams,” in Los Angeles on Sept. 9.

Based on the Chinese entertainment industry, “Silver Screen Dreams” reveals the darker side of the business, but its central message is how compassion can inspire hopefulness in the midst of life’s hardships and tribulations.

Production cast with the audience members at the premiere in Los Angeles on Sept. 9, 2022. (Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times)
Production cast with the audience members at the premiere in Los Angeles on Sept. 9, 2022. Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times

Sophie Song, the assistant director of the film, said at the premiere that, although the film is set in the Chinese entertainment industry, a setting that most audience members are not familiar with, compassion, as depicted in the film, is inherent in human nature and applies to everyone.

“Every one of us is a performer in our lives with different dreams and pursuits we wish to accomplish,” Song said. “Perhaps, the film can provide some insight on how to overcome despair and defeat.”

One of the lead actresses, Alyssa Zheng, said many scenes in the film reminded her of her past acting experiences in China, and she believes the film can give “strength and hope” to artists in the entertainment industry.

“There’s one line in the film that brings up a lot of emotions every time I ponder it,” she said at the premiere. “When the other female lead said, ‘Let bygones be bygones,’ it was not with feelings of surrender, despair, or sorrow. Instead, it was joyous, benevolent, and hopeful, and it really demonstrates one of the manifestations of compassion—forgiveness.”

Jie Lijian, an audience member, said the film touched his emotions.

“I’m a grown man, and I had tears in my eyes during the film,” he said. “If people have hatred stored in their hearts, it will only cause more pain and suffering to themselves. So cultivating one’s compassion and having relationships built on compassion, perhaps, would be one’s only way out.”

Princess Nkrumah, an actress currently in Los Angeles for her own film premiere at the AMC theater, was also in the audience at the “Silver Screen Dreams” premiere.

“As human beings, the number one thing that we need to learn is to treat each other with love, respect, and kindness, and I think that’s a wonderful message for anyone,” Nkrumah said.

Actress Princess Nkrumah speaking from the audience section at the premiere on Sept. 9, 2022 (Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times)
Actress Princess Nkrumah speaking from the audience section at the premiere on Sept. 9, 2022 Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times
Audience members taking pictures with the production cast at the premiere in Los Angeles on Sept. 9, 2022. (Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times)
Audience members taking pictures with the production cast at the premiere in Los Angeles on Sept. 9, 2022. Debora Cheng/The Epoch Times

Prior to the film’s debut in Los Angeles, “Silver Screen Dreams” received 12 film festival awards and nominations, with the two lead actresses, Alyssa Zheng and Leah Feng, winning the Best Female Lead Honorable Mention award and the Best Actress award from the American Golden Picture International Film Festival and the Canada Alternative Film Festival, respectively.

The theme song, “The Voyage Home,” was also nominated for the Best Film Score award at the 2022 Burbank International Film Festival, after winning the Best Composer Honorable Mention award at the American Golden Picture IFF.

Following the premiere in Los Angeles, the production cast and crew will hold three more premieres across North America, from Vancouver in Canada to Middletown and Brooklyn in New York.